设置快捷键 File=> Settings=> Kaymap=> 右侧“Macros”=> 右键刚才制定的宏=> “Add Keyboard Shortcut” 文件
一般来说,如果没有特殊需求,按照默认勾选即可。 勾选“Create Desktop Shortcut”以创建桌面快捷方式图标,方便后续启动。 根据需要勾选“Update context menu”以将从文件夹打开项目添加至鼠标右键菜单。 点击“Install”开始安装,安装完成后点击“Finish”或“Close”退出安装程序。 二、配置 启动IntelliJ IDEA。可以通...
Is there a keyboard shortcut to allow me to place my cursor on the method name that doesn't exist yet and have it create a method stub for it quickly? I don't want to use menus, I want to use a refactor shortcut or something. I tried alt + command + M but it didn'...
orShift+Shifton Windows/Linux to bring up the Search Everywhere dialog. It searches across Classes, Files, Symbols and Actions. Pressing the same shortcut again toggles the checkbox toggles the contextual check box in the top right corner. ...
If you press the same shortcut again, IntelliJ IDEA expands the implicit hints to show you more detailed information. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ - to collapse the hints. Inlay hints This section discusses inlay hints in the context of the Scala plugin and the Scala programming language. For ...
https://www.cloudflight.io/en/blog/intellij-idea-and-eclipse-shortcuts/ After around seven years of exclusively using Eclipse for Java development I r
CMD + OPTION + M or CTRL + ALT + M: Extracts the current code into a new method. This is a powerful shortcut for refactoring or cleaning up your code. 9. Rename everywhere SHIFT + F6: Renames current selection, which can be helpful for quickly refactoring code. ...
IntelliJ IDEA has no default keyboard shortcut for this action, but you can manually configure it as described in Adding keyboard shortcuts. Note the difference between Go To Declaration and Go To Type Declaration. Suppose you have a file app.ts with the following code: import {Dog} from "...
I just have to look for this shortcut in the first column to find the IntelliJ equivalent. For a shortcut junkie like me this is a lot faster than reading the action descriptions. I hope this helps other software developers, too. Let me know if any shortcut mapping is wrong or missing...
这里主要是根据返回类型获取到了一个 MethodGenerator 并执行对应的 generateCode 方法2.5MethodGenerator 下的 generateCode MethodGenerator 下的 generateCode 主要获取了当前方法的入参 fromClass 与 toClass, 并进行了字符串的组装和生成代码块。PsiCodeBlock codeBlock = elementFactory.createCodeBlockFromText("{"...