要把思维从“把这五行代码剪切并复制到一个新的方法里”等把代码当成无意义字符的低层面活动,转变到以作为语言核心的要素和特性为单位的思考,比如类、变量、方法、重命名、重构、if-else、循环、可循环元素等。 在这方面,IDE提供的Live Template、重构(Refactoring)、部分后向声明等,都是这种思想的产物,允许你从更...
要把思维从“把这五行代码剪切并复制到一个新的方法里”等把代码当成无意义字符的低层面活动,转变到以作为语言核心的要素和特性为单位的思考,比如类、变量、方法、重命名、重构、if-else、循环、可循环元素等。 在这方面,IDE提供的Live Template、重构(Refactoring)、部分后向声明等,都是这种思想的产物,允许你从更...
Ctrl+N,可以快速打开类 Ctrl+Shift+N,可以快速打开文件 Alt+Q,可以看到当前方法的声明 Ctrl+P,可以显示参数信息 Ctrl+Shift+Insert,可以选择剪贴板内容并插入 Alt+Insert,可以生成构造器/Getter/Setter等 Ctrl+Alt+V,可以引入变量。例如:new String(); 自动导入变量定义 Ctrl+Alt+T,可以把代码包在一个块内,例...
2 Shortcuts in IntelliJ 0 System.out.println() shortcut doesn't work 19 showing in popup window method implementation in intellij 1 Hotkey in Intellij IDEA for action 2 hotkey for System.out::println for java8 in intelliJ 5 Intellij run shortcut (mac) 1 Why does IntelliJ not...
文章被收录于专栏:凯哥Java Switching fromEclipsetoIntelliJ IDEAwas a great decision. Eclipse of course gets things done, but not as fast, not as flawless, not asintelligentas IntelliJ. And yet, the switching process took me some time. Especially learning new shortcuts was a little bit irritati...
Add to Group:选择新 action 要被添加到的 action group(Groups, Actions)以及相对其他 actions 的位置(Anchor) Keyboard Shortcuts:指定 action 的第一和第二快捷键注意:该向导只能向主菜单中已存在的 action group 或工具栏上添加 action,若要创建新的 action group,请参考前面的内容。
IDEA其实所有shortcuts都有对应的语义描述,比如我们经常会想找出project中用到这个方法的所有地方,对应的英文描述就是find usages。你只需在Find Action输入框输入find usages(支持模糊查询),就能定位到你想要的操作,然后执行就可以了。 再也不用对着网上总结的一堆快捷键死记硬背了。 所以,可以说只需要记住Find ...
IntelliJ IDEA has keyboard shortcuts for most of its commands related to editing, navigation, refactoring, debugging, and pretty much everything else we might want to do regularly. Learning and practi
For example, for Java you can use these actions for method invocation or method declaration arguments, enum constants, array initializer expressions. For XML or HTML, use these actions for tag attributes. Gif Copy and paste code You can use the standard shortcuts to copy Ctrl0C and paste...
There are many more keyboard shortcuts. Almost every action has an equivalent shortcut. It’s hard to learn them all, it takes time and practice. I still learn new things every week, and if for some reason I don’t code as much for a few days, I forget about the new shortcuts I...