IntelliJ IDEA will show a popup with all folding actions with their shortcuts: Expand or collapse code elements To fold or unfold a code fragment, press CtrlNumPad -/CtrlNumPad +. IntelliJ IDEA folds or unfolds the current code fragment, for example, a single method. To collapse or ...
Use the corresponding shortcut, for example, Alt01 to open the Project tool window . If there is no shortcut for a tool window, you can assign it as described in Configure keyboard shortcuts. Click the corresponding tool window button on the tool window bar. ...
要修改某个快捷键,选中快捷键介绍内容,右键,就会弹出如上图标注 1 所示操作选择。 命令Add Keyboard Shortcut 用来添加新纯键盘快捷键组合。 命令Add Mouse Shortcut 用来添加新 键盘+ 鼠标 快捷键组合,比如设置 Ctrl + 左键单击 这类快捷组合。其中在弹出的添加面板中 Click Pad 是用来监听当前鼠标是左键单击还...
最后一栏是该操作在IDEA中的操作名称,可以在keymap中检索对应的action/shortcut找到。 生产力(Productivity) 模板补全(Live Template) 敲完以下模板补全的keyword之后可以直接通过tab或回车触发模板补全, 2…是需要你填充的模板变量。 后向声明(Postfix Completion) 后向声明是JetBrains系IDE的一项新功能,旨在减少光标经常...
CMD + OPTION + M or CTRL + ALT + M: Extracts the current code into a new method. This is a powerful shortcut for refactoring or cleaning up your code. 9. Rename everywhere SHIFT + F6: Renames current selection, which can be helpful for quickly refactoring code. ...
Previous MethodAlt+Up Code Override Methods...Ctrl+O Implement Methods...Ctrl+I Generate...Alt+Insert -- Surround With...Ctrl+Alt+T Unwrap/RemoveCtrl+Shift+Delete -- Completion BasicCtrl+Space Smart TypeCtrl+Shift+Space -- Cyclic Expand WordAlt+/ ...
View | Quick Documentation or the corresponding keyboard shortcut 快捷键是Ctrl + Q IntelliJ中,除了IDE自带的标准模板,它还具有强大的定义新模板的功能。使用过Eclipse(MyEclipse)的程序员对定义模板并不会陌生, 也一定从中受益。其实,IntelliJ也具有相同的功能。且不去比较哪个IDE功能更强大。很多...
View|Quick Documentationor the corresponding keyboard shortcut 快捷键是Ctrl + Q IntelliJ中,除了IDE自带的标准模板,它还具有强大的定义新模板的功能。使用过Eclipse(MyEclipse)的程序员对定义模板并不会陌生, 也一定从中受益。其实,IntelliJ也具有相同的功能。且不去比较哪个IDE功能更强大。很多新使用IntelliJ的人,和...
InlineCompletionShortcutHintListener intellij.platform.kernel.xml intellij.platform.kernel.xml Extension Point Implementation com.intellij.platform.entityTypes EntityTypeProvider intellij.platform.lvcs.impl.xml intellij.platform.lvcs.impl.xml Extension Point Implementation com.intellij.history.activityPresent...
-- ...except the "Mac OS X" keymap and its children. --><keyboard-shortcutkeymap="Mac OS X"first-keystroke="control alt G"second-keystroke="C"remove="true"/><!-- The "Mac OS X 10.5+" keymap and its children will have only this keyboard shortcut for this action. --><keyboard...