1、搜索自己想要修改的快捷键,比如格式化代码快捷键: 2、双击它,然后点击 Add keyboard Shortcut 即可自定义快捷键: 3、修改成自己习惯的快捷键,然后点击【OK】: Editor 设置鼠标滚轮修改字体大小(可忽略) Editor --> General 勾选此设置后,增加 Ctrl + 鼠标滚轮 快捷键来控制代码字体大小显示。 设置自动导包功...
设置快捷键 File=> Settings=> Kaymap=> 右侧“Macros”=> 右键刚才制定的宏=> “Add Keyboard Shortcut” 文件
Sometimes, you may want to step into a particular method, but not the first one, which will be invoked. In this case, use Smart step into by pressing ShiftF7 to choose a particular method. Action Shortcut Toggle breakpoint CtrlF8 Step into F7 Smart step into ShiftF7 Step over F8 Step...
Note that when you install IntelliJ IDEA with Windows default keymap for the first time, a dialog appears offering you to map this shortcut to either the Redo or Delete Line action. To adjust your keymap after the installation, refer to Choose the right keymap. To join lines, place the ca...
命令Add Mouse Shortcut 用来添加新 键盘+ 鼠标 快捷键组合,比如设置 Ctrl + 左键单击 这类快捷组合。其中在弹出的添加面板中 Click Pad 是用来监听当前鼠标是左键单击还是右键单击。 命令Add Abbreviation 根据IntelliJ IDEA 的版本文档解释,添加简称主要是为了方便 Search Everywhere 中使用,但是我尝试之后发现没办法...
右键看到可以对这个action进行keymap的修改,add keyboard shortcut就是增和改操作,在action已经绑定keymap...
To check if a particular problem is present elsewhere in your project, you can run a specific inspection on your whole project or a section of the project. To do so, open theRun Inspection by Namedialog using the shortcut (⌘⌥⇧Ion macOS /Alt+\on Windows/Linux). Or, find any ...
In your case: click the underlined code →ALT+ENTER→Add Exception to Method Signature IntelliJ also has a shortcut to place your cursor on the next error or warning:F2. This – especially in combination withALT+ENTER– is quite useful....
IntelliJ IDEA自定义快捷键快速输入main、syso、常用代码 1、打开File->Settings->Editor->Live Templates 2、main方法快捷键设置 3、syso标准输出快捷键设置 4、其他一些复杂的模块还可以使用自定义变量 模板中自动引用类名、方法名、参数列表输出 CLASS_NAME:className() METHOD_NA... ...
<actionid="org.intellij.sdk.action.PopupDialogAction"class="org.intellij.sdk.action.PopupDialogAction"text="Action Basics Plugin: Popup Dialog Action"description="SDK action example"icon="SdkIcons.Sdk_default_icon"><override-textplace="MainMenu"text="Popup Dialog Action"/><keyboard-shortcutkeymap=...