She is really not that dangerous and she really doesn’t need extra security restraints. It’s just that she is so beautiful and her response to heavy steel is so funny, I keep adding more metal every time I see her. Also, people now order a lot of custom videos with Aubrey in ultra...
1. those funny little stickum labels that get between a man and the succulent apple, pear, apricot, or plum he is attempting to devour.funeral, n. 1. some people’s first and only chance to be the center of attention.fuzzy math, n. 1. (education) the latest in a series of ...
Photo about the funny prisoner in chains isolated on gray. Image of convict, caucasian, arrest - 58145927
“我需要修车。”My car is making a funny noise, so I need to get my car fixed.我的车发出...
In the high security area, the warden says the reason why an inmate named Giovanni is in jail is because he murdered an ape who was trying to have a relationship with a woman; Giovanni's description and appearance significantly resembles Mario. When the camera scrolls down the GameaVision ...
Not a joke, and not just because it's not funny. The 22nd Amendment to our Constitution is quite plain, and frankly Dear Leader's 75 million-plus supporters don't have the guts to force their will on the rest of us – but, again, if he reshapes our military in his image, he cou...
Go and read this book now! *Disclaimer: not for people who hate heartwarming, funny, feel good holiday romance novels. This has become my FAVORITE holiday read ever; to the point where I may even re-read this! (I know that’s a shock, I NEVER re-read my books!) ...
Chanen, David
(if he was a journalist). I for one, wanted more clarity on this one. Being too scared to answer a question about something you already said, doesn’t give you the right to avoid the question and label it as something it is not. The funny thing is that if it actually was a ‘...
“A group of young activists set out to make an environmental statement by vandalizing a home superstore as it closes. But their plan goes terribly wrong when they become trapped inside and must face aderanged security guardwith agruesome passionfor primitive hunting. As the night fills withviole...