Dual-color CLSM images of HEK293 cells transiently expressing NBCe1-A-EGFP immunostained with Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated antibody.Mikhail SergeevAntoine G. GodinLiyo KaoNatalia AbuladzePaul W. WisemanIra Kurtz
d, Comparison of localizations for proteins in MuSIC (HEK293 cells, red) versus all proteins assayed by HPA in any cell line (grey). Localizations as defined by the HPA project4. Extended Data Fig. 2 Embedding immunofluorescence images and AP–MS data. a, Embedding immunofluorescence (IF) ...
Global identification of functional microRNA-mRNA interactions in ... Protocol for detecting RBM33-binding sites in HEK293T cells using ... The PARA-suite: PAR-CLIP specific sequence read simulation and ... Eclipsebio to Present Data and Unveil Antibody Barcode CLIP, a ... Hands-on: CLIP-...
Western blot analysis of extracts from HEK293, COS, C6 and C2C12 cells, untreated or lamda phosphatase-treated, using Phospho-KSR1 (Ser392) Antibody. Orders: 877-616-CELL (2355) • orders@cellsignal.com • Support: 877-678-TECH (8324) • info@cellsignal.com • Web:...
Microscope images showing morphology of HEK293 cells with and without BPA exposure.Rong YinLiang GuMin LiCizhong JiangTongcheng CaoXiaobai Zhang
To facilitate rapid determination of cellular viability caused by the inhibitory effect of drugs, numerical deep learning algorithms was used for unlabeled cell culture images captured by a light microscope as input. In this study, A549, HEK293, and NCI-H1975 cells were cultured, each of which ...
Bright-field images (34.8x magnification) of HEK-293S cells growing at 37°C (upper A and C), 30°C (lower A), and 33°C (lower C).ChiYen, LinZhen, HuangWei, WenAndrew, WuCongzhou, WangLi, Niu
In wide-field super-resolution microscopy, investigating the nanoscale structure of cellular processes, and resolving fast dynamics and morphological changes in cells requires algorithms capable of working with a high-density of emissive fluorophores. Current deconvolution algorithms estimate fluorophore density...
Confocal microscopy images of HEK293T and MCF-7 cells treated with substrate 27.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153209.g005M. Pérez-LópezAnaSoria-Gila M. LourdesR. MarsdenEmmaLilienkampf AnnamariaBradley MarkPLOS ONE
Bright-field and fluorescence images (34.8x magnification) of GFP-expressing HEK-293S cells.ChiYen LinZhen HuangWei WenAndrew WuCongzhou WangLi Niu