IlluminaCustomProtocol5 eSelectthedate. fSelectaPairedEndorSingleReadsequencingrun. gSelectthenumberofcyclesforeachreadinyoursequencingrun,plus1. Ifyouareperformingapaired-endsequencingrun,Illuminarecommends performingthesamberofcyclesinbothreads. hSelectorcleartheWorkflow-SpecificSettingscheckboxes,asdesired. iClick...
Illumina官方介绍不同机型index读取方式indexed-sequencing-overview-guide.pdf,IndexedSequencing OverviewGuide Introduction 3 Single-IndexedSequencingOverview 3 Dual-IndexedSequencingOverview 4 Dual-IndexedWorkflowonaPaired-EndFlowCell 4 Dual-IndexedWorkflow
Illumina 官方介绍不同机型index读取方式 indexed-sequencing-overview-guide-15057455-03上传人:飞*** IP属地:河北 上传时间:2020-07-20 格式:PDF 页数:12 大小:2.73MB 积分:12 举报 版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩7页未读, 继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在...
(UMI) 49 Cell Expression by Linear Amplification Sequencing (CEL-Seq) 51 Single-Cell Tagged Reverse Transcription Sequencing (STRT-Seq) 52 Low-Level DNA Detection 53 Single-Molecule Molecular Inversion Probes (smMIP) 55 Multiple Displacement Amplification (MDA) 56 Multiple Annealing and Looping–...
Illumina sequencing protocol Many of the experimental steps of a sequencing protocol can lead to characteristic errors in the sequencing data. Therefore, it is always advisable to familiarize with a sequencing protocol before processing the produced data. The basic Illumina sequencing protocol used to ...
siRNA RNA Sequencing RNA 测序中常用名词解释 Total RNA rRNA-depleted RNA Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is 80% of total RNA Removal of rRNA is called rRNA-depleted RNA Due to the size selection step, Small RNAs are not present in the final library Poly(A) mRNA purif...
Illumina sequencing and array technologies drive advances in life science research, translational and consumer genomics, and molecular diagnostics.
The protocol can be used to sequence other viral genomes using the online Primal Scheme primer designer software. It is suitable for sequencing either RNA or DNA viruses in the field during outbreaks or as an inexpensive, convenient method for use in the lab. This is a preview of subscription...
Based on reversible dye-terminators technology, the Illumina-solexa sequencing platform enables rapid sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS) of large DNA stretches spanning entire genomes, with the latest instruments capable of producing hundreds of gigabases of data in a single sequencing run. Illumina's NGS...
Dual-Indexed Workflow on a Paired-End Flow Cell4 Dual-Indexed Workflow on a Single-Read Flow Cell6 Sequencing Primers for HiSeq Systems8 Revision History9 Technical Assistance11 Document#15057455v03 ILLUMINA PROPRIETARY February2017 For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.