We report here the genome sequence of an ancient human. Obtained from ∼4,000-year-old permafrost-preserved hair, the genome represents a male individual from the first known culture to settle in Greenland. Sequenced to an average depth of 20×, we recover 79% of the diploid genome, an...
With the ability to generate reads tens to thousands of kilobases in length with an accuracy approaching that of short-read sequencing technologies, these platforms have proven their ability to resolve some of the most challenging regions of the human genome, detect previously inaccessible structural ...
human genome sequence was published in 2001 and was the result of both public (NIH funded)3and private (Celera, Inc.)4efforts. The 2001 draft was relatively incomplete and a more final, polished version of the human genome was published in 2004.5This catalogue of DNA and the resultantgenetic...
The human genome holds an extraordinary trove of information about human development, physiology, medicine and evolution. Here we report the results of an international collaboration to produce and make freely available a draft sequence of the human genome. We also present an initial analysis of the...
1.The complete sequence of a human genome 主要内容:自2000年首次发布以来,人类参考基因组仅涵盖基因组的常染色质部分,而重要的异染色质区域尚未完成。针对剩余 8% 的基因组,端粒到端粒(T2T) 联盟提供了一个完整的30.55亿碱基对序列...
Human rhinoviruses (HRV), the most frequent cause of respiratory infections, include 99 different serotypes segregating into two species, A and B. Rhinoviruses share extensive genomic sequence similarity with enteroviruses and both are part of the picorn
The Sequence of the Human GenomeJ. Craig Venter,1* Mark D. Adams,1Eugene W. Myers,1Peter W. Li,1Richard J. Mural,1Granger G...
2009 Building the sequence map of the human pan-genome(我国科学家首提“人类泛基因组”)外语教材.pdf,a n a ly s i s Building the sequence map of the human pan-genome 1,2,7 1,7 1,3,7 1,3,7 1 1 1 Ruiqiang Li , Yingrui Li , Hancheng Zheng , Ruibang Luo , Ho
genomehasnonrandom,albeitweaklypositionednucleosomesseI-hypersensitivesites(DHSs)correspondingtoregulatory (Gaffneyetal.,2012).MNase-seq-basedstudieshaveprovidedregions.ProteinandcomplexbindingwithinaDHScreate greatinsightsintotheglobaldistributionanddynamicsofnucle-6–40bpsequencesofseIprotection,calleddigitalse osome...
Here, we developed a HUman Pan-genome ANalysis (HUPAN) system to build the human pan-genome. We applied it to 185 deep sequencing and 90 assembled Han Chinese genomes and detected 29.5 Mb novel genomic sequences and at least 188 novel protein-coding genes missing in the human reference...