Inbase R, you can extract multiple factor columns (variables) usingsapplyfunction. The sapply function is a part of apply family of functions. They perform multiple iterations (loops) in R. Indplyrpackage, theselect_iffunction is used to select columns based on a condition. In this case,is....
There are several easy ways to create an R frequency table, ranging from using the factor () and R table () functions in Base R to specific packages. Each different R function for creating a good data table output has its own benefits, from creating a column header and row names to col...
R ProgrammingServer Side ProgrammingProgramming To extract the factor levels from factor column, we can simply use levels function. For example, if we have a data frame called df that contains a factor column defined with x then the levels of factor levels in x can be extracted by using...
Use the as.numeric Function to Convert Factor to Numeric in R The as functions are generally used to convert data type to another type explicitly. The conversion process is called coercion in R terminology, and it denotes the concept of casting present in other programming languages. When we ...
Convert Factor to Date Using theas.Date()Function in R This function is used to convert the givenfactordata into date in the given format, and the format should be%Y-%m-%d. Here Y stands for the year to display year in four-digit format,mstands for the month to get the month number...
It is a great convenience to wrap these differences (and differences in training control, such as table versus function interface, tolerance/intolerance of boolean/factor/character/numeric target class labels, and more). An example of such wrapping is given below: rfFitter <- function(vars,yTarge...
It is applied on contingency tables because these tables are used to represent the frequency for categorical variables and we can apply it on a matrix as well as matrices have the similar form. In R, we can use fisher.test function to perform the fisher test....
The five-factor model of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale II: A ten-fold cross-validation of a revised model The lack of fit of 25 previously published five-factor models for the PANSS items, can be due to the statistics used. The purpose of this study was to use ... MVD ...
However, you can indirectly use a percentage in a formula that has the RATE function. I am going to discuss 2 such examples. Example 1: Let’s assume that you have borrowed $8000 for 4 years. The monthly payment is $200. Now, if you use the RATE function here, you will get a ...
It comes in many different flavors, such as one-way, two-way, multivariate, factorial, and so on. We’ll cover the simplest, one-way ANOVA today. We’ll do so from scratch, and then you’ll see how to use a built-in function to implement ANOVA in R. Let’s start with the ...