In particular, as.numeric applied to a factor is meaningless, and may happen by implicit coercion. To transform a factor f to approximately its original numeric values, as.numeric(levels(f))[f] is recommended and slightly more efficient than as.numeric(as.character(f)). The FA...
Brand equity is a measure of the perceived worth of a brand or product in the eyes of consumers. Learn how to build and strengthen your brand’s equity.
iloveyourtouchcoldasi iloveyoumoreandmoreea ireallythinkalittleex iwanttomakearayofsuns iwontstopsearching iwouldntchangeanydayi i will love thee stil iwakeandifindyou illforsakefriendsandr iṢṬha-deva id be the last to kno im humbled in your gr imkindofbeat ive got nowhere left id...
Describes how Jennifer Barclay, founder of the apparel business Blue Fish, Frenchtown, N.J., sells her accounts receivable to a 'factor,' allowing the company to collapse the cycle between shipping products and receiving payments. In some parts of the country, a number of factors are angling...
根据上文的“Create real goals for yourself: write them down and let them be the driving factor that gets you up in the morning..(为自己制定真正的目标:把它们写下来,让它们成为你早上起床的动力。)”可知,本空谈论锻炼目标有关话题。 所以选择项G“Once you reach one significant point, you can ...
Learn about factor analysis - a simple way to condense the data in many variables into a just a few variables.
A customized bus service in the post COVID-19 period has several more features than that in regular daily life. The service targets the similar group people in one vehicle, and it guarantees all riders their seats and mutual isolation. To make it come true, the government and operators ...
Define your business model: As you think about ways to make money from your idea, think about the exact business model that will help you to grow your business in a manageable way. Think: How do you want your business to look a year from now? Two years from now? Five? Is it sustain...
Another consideration when thinking about a leave of absence should be your finances. Make sure you have enough savings in the bank to take an unpaid leave of absence. In some cases, an employer may put an employee on a leave of absence that the employee didn’t request. For example,...
Notably, improving enterprise GI is a critical factor in achieving the goal of green economic development [11,12]. Moreover, enterprise GI is also key to the competitiveness of enterprises [13]. Therefore, exploring whether CPU affects enterprise GI is of practical importance. Scholars generally ...