由横线前一句your emotional pain will become noticeable physically(你情感上的痛苦会在你身体上有明显的变化。) 可知,思想情感的健康会影响你身体健康,身体健康出问题,我们就会一直与自己的健康问题做斗争。D项You will find yourself struggling with health issues.(你将发现自己在健康问题上苦苦挣扎。)正好与上文...
Signs that your mental health may be declining include, feeling overwhelmed, irritable, and having low energy. With the stresses of everyday life, it can be difficult to take care of yourself. Luckily by simply prioritizing your physical and emotional wellbeing, you can combat this and improve...
Self-care is not just about taking care of our physicality, but also our mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Developing thehabit of self-caretakes time and commitment, and while it doesn’t need to take hours and hours, it does require carving out a chunk of time each day. Self-car...
Many of the easiest ways to do this, like hiding your emotions or trying to change them with recreational drugs, generally lead to more negative feelings and health concerns in the long term.有很多简单的方式,比如隐藏自己的情绪,或服用精神药物改变情绪,通常会带来更负面的感受,也会长期影响健康。
【TED-0310】How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch(17:28) We'll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Too many of us deal with common psychological-health ...
Professional help is not just for people with serious mental health issues. It’s important to emphasize that psychological evaluation can be beneficial to anyone. Even if you just need to cope with mild emotional distress, a psychologist can be of help. The therapist can assist you in processi...
3 Besides, it is making sure you are taking care of physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Self-care is enabling for your life and to help other lives. It is not selfish. Set aside time just for you. 4 You can get involved in a hobby or catching up with friends. Denying yoursel...
Individuals with psoriasis experience emotional and psychological distress that negatively impacts their overall health and quality of life. Stress and depression mainly come from anxiety, stigma, and rejection. Being diagnosed with cancer or having a heart attack can also lead to feelings of depression...
Signs your emotional state could indicate a mental health condition Post-grad life can be a turbulent time for many young adults. It may not be unusual to experience ups and downs and require additional emotional support during or immediately after graduating from college. ...
The government should also involve in this challenging job. Firstly, it can launch several programs or projects to raise people’s awareness of the importance of their mental health. This may help change the reality that too many people take their mental and emotional health for ...