After reading this article, you should be well-equipped to respond to the question with the utmost confidence and get the salary you deserve!
Here’s a short video with the basics of how to respond when asked for your salary expectations or current salary. Then I’ll tell you more about the nuances of this question and what to do when they don’t give up so easily:
Consider additional compensation, like bonuses and perks, that have monetary value: insurance, medical coverage, and other perks. Remember to list those when you negotiate the salary on your new job. 3. Reach out to recruiters and headhunters Sure, the job agent you’ll be negotiating the pay...
Sometimes you may have the question “What are your salary expectations?” sprung on you before you’ve done any research or thought that deeply about it. If that happens to you, Jeff Altman has a ready answer. Altman is a New York City-based career, leadership and executive coach who ha...
“I’m not comfortable sharing my current salary. I would prefer to focus on the value I can add to this company rather than what I’m paid at my current job. I don’t have a specific number in mind for a desired salary, and you know better than I do what value my skillset and...
Salary Resources FederalPay: Check pay information for employees of the federal government. You’ll also find information on per diem rates and a federal holiday schedule. Indeed Salary Insights: Indeed clearly posts the average salary for a position in its headline, making it easy to get a qui...
Like answering $0, this shows you are purposely avoiding the question. If you can, enter a range—some online forms will allow you to enter two numbers. You can enter your desired salary—but know that it may lead to you being screened out (if it’s too high), or being offered a ...
(redirected from Desired Salary Base) Category filter: AcronymDefinition DSB Datenschutzbeauftragter (German: Data Protection Officer) DSB Double Strand Break DSB Dispute Settlement Body (World Trade Organization) DSB Danske Statsbaner (Danish: Danish State Railways) DSB Defense Science Board (US ...
How NOT to Respond The employer is more interested inwhat you can do for the company, not what the company can do for you. Employers are already cognizant of the attractive perks the company offers their employees, such as competitive salaries, job stability and opportunity for advancement. A...
You may find more jobs by looking forremote jobs. Instead of entering your desired city or metropolitan area, type "remote" in the city, state or zip code box. If you want to find jobs that are in your city that offer remote working options, indicate the city and state and look fo...