We all know by now that the pillars of a healthy lifestyle are regular exercise, eating enough fruit and vegetables, a good night's sleep and staying hydrated. All of these things also support the gut microbiome—all the microbes that live in your digest
Probiotics are made up of live microorganisms and can help restore balance to a disproportionate microbiome by adding more good bacteria into your system. Plus, a number of other benefits, namely: ● Boost immunity● Promote healthy metabolism and digestion● Reduce the risk of UTI, yeast infectio...
To ensure your digestive system remains healthy and functioning properly, gut supplements can be a great help. These supplements, such as probiotics, fibre, zinc, and magnesium, contain essential vitamins and minerals that promote optimal gut health. Probiotics promote beneficial bacteria in the gut,...
The microbiome diet doesn’t intend to vilify certain groups but encourages you to choose gut-healthy options that help bacteria thrive. Try fruits such as berries, cherries, coconut, grapefruit, kiwi, nectarines, oranges and rhubarb. For healthy fats, choose nuts, seeds, avocado...
The Truth About “Gut Healthy” Soda—How to REALLY Optimize Your Microbiome. June 7, 2024 What if soda was actually healthy for you? It’d probably fly off the shelves, right?That, in fact, is what’s happening with Poppi, a “prebiotic soda” that claims it promotes a healthy ...
style changes you can make to improve your gut health. You can start bylooking at how you eat— avoid eating too much7or too little8, as both can cause digestive issues. It’s also important to make sure you’re getting enough of the right kinds of foods to promote a healthy gut....
Your gut helps you stay alive and thrive. We don’t give it much thought, but the work it does is almost magical. Today, we’re going to discuss one of its near-magical skills: How your butt tells the difference between gas and solid. Fart or poop? We all need to pass gas. We...
Now that you can see why it’s critical to lower inflammation and support gut health, lets’s take a look at how you can go about this. Foods that promote inflammation include: Refined vegetable oils (like canola, corn and soybean oils, which are high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty ...
In the gut microbiome, the “good” bacteria do more than just help with digestion. They help keep your “bad” bacteria in check. They multiply so often that the unhealthy kind don't have space to grow. When you have a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut, it’s called equilibrium...
Obesity & Belly Fat: Certain bacteria promote the storage of fat. However, studies also show that certain beneficial bacteria help to reduce body fat – especially dangerous belly fat. Depression & Anxiety: Research shows that our microbiome alters brain neurochemistry. Probiotics have been found to...