How to plot only specific contours in matlab?. Learn more about matlab, command, contours, data, grid, meshgrid, contourf, plot
In summary, the conversation was about representing data with 2 variables in a 2D format using the contourf function in MATLAB. The speaker was experiencing coarse-granularity in their current plot and wanted to know if there was a way to make the contour color vary smoothly. They had tried ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi i want to plot the following contour but i always encounter an error 테마복사 x=-pi:0.001*pi:pi; y=0:0.1*6:6; [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y); z=(100*sqrt(2*pi)/sqrt(2*pi.*(y-2.))).*cos(x/2).*(1.-sin(x/2.).*sin(3.*x/2.)); ...
Use the contour3 function. If ‘A’ is a list of the contour levels, all the MATLAB contour functions accommodate defining the contour levels in a vector. The contour3 function can be used in conjunction with surf (or surfc) to plot them on the surf...
The CONTOUR function displays the isolines and hence the behavior observed is an expected behavior. Information on the contouring algorithm can be found in the help documentation MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b) at MATLAB > Graphics > Creating Specialized Plots > Contour Plots > The C...
Hi I am trying to super impose a contour plot over an image, but contour plot is replacing by the image I=imread('1.jpg'); imshow(I) hold on contourf(posxI(1,:),posyI(:,1),SPL) title(' Pressure distribution on reconstructed plane Zr=0.63m') colormap('default'); colorbar('...
Open in MATLAB Online I had to punt on this problem because of time, I needed to get something done today. But I still want to understand how the contour matrix, C, computed by contourc, is used to draw the boxes in subplot(2,2,2) and not subplot(2,2,3) ...
title('Contour Plot for UC'); [c2,h2]=contour(val_b,val_h,transpose(val_UCDeflexion),val_ContourUC,'b'); clabel(c2,h2); How can I properly employ the contour command to match the contour for UCStress and UCDeflexion to their actual values? The values for UC relating to ...
It worked, and if I apply the text properties as show below, the labels are rotated. If I have no text properties specified, the labels aren't rotated and there is a '+' on each contour. So I will just make sure to specify properties!I...
This tutorial will discuss creating a 3D plot of point or line using the plot3() function in MATLAB. Create a 3D Plot of Point or Line Using the plot3() Function in MATLAB We already know about the plot() function in MATLAB, which is used to plot data on a 2D plane. The plot3(...