How I can create contour plot like figure above with data below x=[53 59 62 68] y=[9.9 9.5 9.8 10.2] z=[1 3 5 10] xv = linspace(min(39), max(62), numel(4)); yv = linspace(min(29), max(52), numel(4)); [Xm,Ym] = ndgrid(xv, yv); ...
使用‘contour’命令,绘制初始等高线图。 h=contour(X,Y,Z,10,'LineWidth',1.2);hTitle=title('Contour Plot');hXLabel=xlabel('XAxis');hYLabel=ylabel('YAxis'); 其中,10表示等高线的数量。 4. 细节优化 为了插图的美观,首先赋上之前选择的颜色: % 赋色colormap(map) 进一步,对坐标轴参数、字体字号等...
plot(xi, yi, 'LineWidth', 2); % 绘制函数曲线 title('Smooth Function Plot'); % 设置图标题 xlabel('x'); % 设置x轴标签 ylabel('y'); % 设置y轴标签 三维曲面图 使用surf函数; [X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2); % x和y坐标网格 Z = X.^2 + Y.^2; % z坐标数据,这里以二元二次函数...
% Contour plot 轮廓图,contour(x,y,z,v):其中x,y为横纵坐标,z为等高线值的大小,同样x为100*1,y为100*1,z为100*100;同时v向量规定了等高线的范围为(通过logspace函数取到10^-2 → 10^3,取20个值) figure; % Plot J_vals as 15contours spaced logarithmically between 0.01 and 100 contour(theta0...
as heights above a plane. A contour plot are the level curves of Z for some values V. The values V are chosen automatically.CONTOUR(X,Y,Z) X and Y specify the (x,y) coordinates of the surface as for SURF. The X and Y data will be transposed or sorted to bring it...
I have data points that each have an x position, a y position, and a height. The points are not uniformly spaced or in a specific order. Scatter3 plots the data fine, but I need to make a contour plot of the heights. Contour and contour3 seem to require a full, evenl...
创建x,将其指定为200个介于-10 和10之间的线性间隔值,创建x的余弦函数 y,绘制数据图。 x = linspace(-10,10,200); y = cos(x); plot(x,y) 1. 2. 3. 更改沿 x 轴和 y 轴的刻度值位置。将这些位置指定为一个由递增值组成的向量。这些值无需等距。此外,还要更改沿 x 轴的每个刻度值关联的标签...
This is my data attached, y is location, x is a relative propeller speed and z is relative air velocity. The blank spot isnt in x, y, or z, its just imported in along from the excel file. I would like for the contour plot to show how the air velocity changes along the location ...
XData: [1×1001double]% x轴数据 YData: [1×1001double]% y轴数据 ZData: [1×0double]% z轴数据 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 修改示例如下: x=0:0.01:10; y= [sin(x);cos(x)]; h=plot(x,y); 1. 2. 3. >>h(2).YData=0.1*x;% 修改第二条线的y轴数据 ...
plot(x,y)图2 x^3+y^3=3axy 对特定的a=3 define the function figure(2)z=inline('x.^3+y.^3-3*3*x.*y');[x,y]=meshgrid(-1:.01:1);data=z(x,y);contour(data)other figure(3)z1=inline('x^3+y^3-3*3*x*y');ys=solve(z1,'y');ys1=inline(vectorize(ys(1)...