Open in MATLAB Online I have a 3D plot of a 7 2D curves with 6 surfaces drawn so that tthey connect them. Im looking to draw contours on this figure but the only useful comand I can find is >> contour3([k1;k2], [x1;x2], [z1;z2], 25,'color','k','l...
I have a 3d surface in my figuresurf(x,y,z) I also have acontourfsurface (which is basically a 2D plane). I plot them in the same figure but thecontourfplot is automatically atz=0level. I want to move thecontourfplot toz=-10(or any value on z-axis) but I can't do it. ...
If (3), that you want a 4D plot, then that leads to difficulty. There is no direct way to represent 4D in MATLAB (a common industry deficit!). You can use isoline plots, or you can represent one of the dimensions by color, or you can represent ...
3D surface 导入数据 样本sample/gausiion XYZ 保持c(z)高亮 作图3D/color map surface 调整好后的 图像简介 图像轮廓没整明白 做到导入图片之后,就没有plot/2D profile选项了 虚拟矩阵的等高线图和表面图 导入数据,3D color map project 双击上面的二维图选择flat 双击Z轴,把to 值调为4000 这样更加方便看.....
Insert NaN values wherever there are discontinuities on a surface. The contour function does not draw contour lines in those regions. Define matrix Z as a sampling of the peaks function. Replace all values in column 26 with NaN values. Then plot the contours of the modified Z matrix. Z =...
Plot the contours ofe-(x/3)2-(y/3)2+e-(x+2)2-(y+2)2. Specify an output to makefcontourreturn the plot object. symsxyf = exp(-(x/3)^2-(y/3)^2) + exp(-(x+2)^2-(y+2)^2); fc = fcontour(f) fc = FunctionContour with properties: Function: exp(- x^2/9 - y^...
If I understand your question correctly, this can be achieved by exporting the data and creating a new contour plot that can be modified. Supporting information:ft
meshc(X,Y,Z) creates a mesh plot with a contour plot underneath. A mesh plot is a three-dimensional surface that has solid edge colors and no face colors. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the x-y plane defined by X and Y. The edge colors vary...
mmcont2接受和函数contour相同的调用语法变更,并允许选择一个可用的颜色映象。例如, ?mmcont2(X,Y,Z,N,‘hsv’复制上面的图形。mmcont2的在线帮助如下: ?helpmmcont2 MMCONT22-Dcontourplotusingacolormap. MMCONT2(X,Y,Z,CplotsNcontoursofZin2-DusingthecolorspecifiedinC.Ccanbe alinestyleandcolorasused...
() function is a very useful function in MATLAB for plotting 3D surface maps. It accepts a mathematical expression as input and automatically computes a corresponding 3D surface plot. This function is great for visualizing complex mathematical functions, especially those where it is not easy to ...