clabel(C,h)%标注轮廓线 title('Filled Contour Plot Using') pic 22 三维轮廓图 MATLAB程序如下: [X,Y]=meshgrid([-2:.25:2]); Z=X.*exp(-X.^2-Y.^2); [C,h]=contour3(X,Y,Z,30);%绘制三维轮廓图 grid off %clabel(C,h) title('三维轮廓图示例') pic 23 11.向量图 罗盘图 MATLA...
Create a contour plot, and specify the dashed line style. [X,Y,Z] = peaks; contourf(X,Y,Z,'--') Custom Line Width Create a filled contour plot. Make the contour lines thicker by setting theLineWidthproperty to3. Z = peaks; [M,c] = contourf(Z); c.LineWidth = 3; ...
1 How to fill color inside multiple contour line in the matlab 0 Plotting a contour 3D plot in Matlab 2 Contour plot for 3D vector 0 A 3D plot in MATLAB 2 Matlab 2d contour plot in 3d 0 multiple matlab contour plots with one level 1 Matlab: Filled contour plot with imcontour...
(gcf,'Name','abc','NumberTitle','off'); %设置figure的名称 f1.MenuBar = 'none'; % 关闭菜单栏 p1 = plot(t,a,'-o','MarkerIndices',1:4:length(a)); % 绘点线图,并设置显示1/4数量的点,根据采样点数量修改 p1.LineWidth = 1.5; % 设置线宽 p1.Color = color(1,:); % 设置自定义...
Then display a filled contour plot of Z, letting MATLAB® choose the contour levels. Z = peaks; contourf(Z) fig2plotly(gcf); Unrecognized field name "Fill". We had trouble parsing the contour object. This trace might not render properly. 5101520253035404551015202530354045 Contours at Ten ...
Step 1.plot函数先画线 plot(x,y):注意x,y是一一对应 x,y都是向量或都为矩阵:维数或者大小必须相同;可以根据x向量,通过函数获取y向量,即画函数图像。 x,y其中一个是矩阵、一个向量:要求向量维数必与矩阵的行或者列相同。假设X为1xm的向量,Y为mxn的矩阵,则X与Y的列向量组成一堆点(X,Y),这样图上会绘...
title({'Filled Contour Plot Using','contourf(Z,10)'}) 假设只需要强调高度为 1.5的等值线,[C, h] = contourf(x, y, z, [0 : 0.5 : 5]);hc = get(h, 'Children');for i = 1 : length(hc) ud = get(hc(i), 'UserData'); if (ud == -1.5) set(hc(i), 'LineWidth', 2); ...
contour3(Z,n) 画出由矩阵z确定的n条等高线的三维图。 contour3(Z,v) 在参量v指定的高度上画出三维等高线,当然等高线条数与向量v 的维数相同;若想只画一条高度为h的等高线,输入:contour3(Z,[h,h]) contour3(X,Y,Z)、contour3(X,Y,Z,n)、contour3(X,Y,Z,v) 用X与Y定义x-轴与y-轴的范围。
(1&2). Over the time, the values in the vector A get segreggated i.e. after some time interval(discrete) vector becomes A = [1;1;1;1;1;2;2;2;2;2]. Now I want a filled contour plot for this time dependent segregation with value 2 represented by blue color and value 1 ...
一、 plot函数 ① 函数格式:plot(x,y) 其中x和y为长度相同 坐标向量 函数功能:以向量x、y为轴,绘制曲线。 【例】 在区间0≤X≤2内,绘制正弦曲线y=sin(x) 其程序为: x=0:pi/100:2*pi; %必须加上分号,否则x直接显示出来啦 y=sin(x); %必须加上分号,否则x直接显示出来啦 ...