But as blood continues to travel through those dilated blood vessels to your skin, your body temperature actually drops; sweat is one of the ways that your body cools itself down. While this can happen at any time of the day, since most people tend to drink at nighttime, it can result ...
This type of nighttime hallucination is a sleep disorder called exploding head syndrome. Don't get too far thinking about the iconic scene from the movie "Scanners" where a man's head bursts into a mess of blood and brains. This disorder is, thankfully, much milder than that. Rather than...
If your blood sugar drops too low while you’re sleeping, that can cause a nightmare, says Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., an integrative medical expert. How can you tell if nighttime “hanger” is to blame for your bad dreams? One good clue is if you feel “hangry” during the day. Dig ...
“During the first trimester, women often experience frequent waking at night, often related to frequent trips to the bathroom during the night and nighttime nausea,” sleep expert Dr. Jodi Mindell said in an American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) press release. ...
Newborn puppies need to eat every two to three hours, but as long as they get four to five full meals throughout the day, nighttime feedings are generally not necessary. A two- to four-week-old puppy feeding schedule should consist of feedings every six to eight hours. ...
Your metabolism changes throughout the day. For example, if you were to consume the same food throughout the day, you would expect the same sugar spike, but that’s not the case. In the morning, your blood sugar spikes will be lower than in the evening for the exact same meal and qu...
Nighttime muscle cramps How to Manage C3 Glomerulopathy and Prevent More Kidney Damage You most likely cannot reverse kidney damage from C3 glomerulopathy, but you can do things to help prevent kidney disease from worsening. Your doctor may recommend the following: Blood pressure medications. Two typ...
Conversely, the activity level in the nighttime (so-called L5, see “Methods”) was related to worse next-day morning alertness (p = 0.004). Therefore, higher levels of movement activity during the day (indicative of daytime physical movement activity), yet lower levels of physical ...
While you’ve likely though ofsleeping with your door closed, one thing that might not have occurred to you during your fight against nighttime noise is the quality of your door. If your windows are fine and your walls are thick, then the bedroom door might be the issue. ...
To get quality sleep, consider creating a solid nighttime routine. This can include turning off all electronics 2 hours before bed and wearing blue blockers if you’re going to watch TV or be on your laptop. Also, getting in bed 30-60 minutes before the time you need to go to bed can...