Make sure to perform each sample in duplicate at the very least, or even better, triplicate. Also, don’t forget to include no template controls (NTCs), i.e. PCR-grade water instead of the sample, on your plate to identify any contamination....
Be aware of possible star activity under non-optimal reaction conditions (See the Reference Table Relative Activity of Restriction Enzymes in Promega 10X Buffers or use the Restriction Enzymes interactive search tool to identify compatible buffers). Choose an isoschizomer or neoschizomer with more ...
Primers were designed and checked for possible dimer and hairpin structures using the DNAstar Lasergene v8.1.2 software (DNASTAR, Madison, WI, USA) and BLAST. PCR fragments had to be shorter than 200 bp in order to meet the standards of reliable forensic or ancient DNA analysis. For DNA...
LAMP has also been used in helping identify body fluids. With its simplicity, researchers are able to test one or more samples with little hands on time which is helping cut down the time needed to get results. Researchers have also been able to add factors to make identification even more ...
These substrates thus identify a variable ability of NHEJ to bypass terminal mispairs consistent with previously described patterns of ligase fidelity, and show how a specific processing-dependent resolution path is engaged as a compensating mechanism. C 3′HO T 3′HO T 3′HO A 3′HO 5′P G...
The final section is for intron inclusion. Specifically, it is selected if you want your primer pairs to be separated by at least one intron. By doing so, you can identify any genomic DNA contamination in your PCR reaction since genomic DNA would include the adjacent intron thus giving you ...
These approaches rely on ‘promiscuous’ biotin ligases that are able to label preferentially proteins that are within 20 nm of distance with biotin [226,227]. Originally developed to identify protein-protein interactions, this approach was recently adapted to identify RNA-RBPs interactions. The RNA...
Ticks rely heavily on chemosensation to identify and locate hosts. Chemosensation is the main function ascribed to the Haller’s organ, a unique structure found on the foretarsus of the first pair of legs. The Haller’s organ is not found in any other animals. In addition to detecting ...
Thus, additional biochemical and structural studies to identify the differentiating nucleic acid lengths of the possible modes are of high interest [106,116,118,123]. Similar to RPA, DNA structure has been shown to modulate CST binding [128,148]. CST binds ss-dsDNA junctions non-specifically ...
The possibility that the functional cellulose synthase enzyme is a dimer has been suggested previously, as it would explain how the glucose units in cellulose, which are flipped nearly 180° in relation to each other, might be attached without invoking the need to rotate either the growing ...