Vivid dreams are often stranger or more lifelike than the dreams you typically have. In some cases, they can be straight-upnightmares. But no matter the theme or the feeling they provoke, they all have one thing in common: They're intense, and they tend to stick with you. (The...
Surprising things affect the kinds of dreams we have. Here's what to do before bed to have good dreams and avoid nightmares.
But not all dreams about death have a silver lining. Sometimes they represent the ominous raincloud they seem to be. Dreams of injury, illness and death can signify feelings of emotional hurt, or fear of being hurt. If a loved one is the one who is ill or dying, it may mean that th...
Confusion: Some people might occasionally confuse dreams with reality, especially if they have vivid dreams, which can be disorienting. False awakenings: Sometimes, you might dream that you’ve woken up, only to find that you’re still dreaming. Can lucid dreaming help with recurring nightmares?
Expert theories on dreams and why we dream Learn the insights into dream processes and the reasons for dreaming that the past 120 years of psychoanalysis have provided us with. Methods to use to recall your dreams Find remembering every dream you experience difficult? Recall only a few poigna...
Dreams combine verbal, visual and emotional stimuli into mystifying storylines. Learn about dreams, the meaning of common dreams, REM and controlling dreams.
Vivid dreams have been shown to be a symptom of kicking the habit, and in one study, 63% of smokers still dreamed about smoking a year later. Granted, you may just be working through your main issue at the moment (the fact that you really want a cigarette), but nicotine withdrawal als...
Either way, by the time morning comes, your goal is to have recalled four or five detailed dreams in your journal. The first time I tried this, I was blown away. I had no idea I was experiencing so many long and vivid dreams every night. ...
They want to be entertained by the people around them. But it doesn’t have to be this way! All you have to do is: FIGHT THE LAZY! Here’s how you can fight the lazy and bring on the interesting. Here’s how you can be a more interesting person in 25 steps: Stop Doing Unintere...
Night has brought to those who sleep, only dreams they can not keep. —Enya 21 It is at night... that the mind is most clear, that we are most able to hold all our life in the palm of our skull. —Brian Aldiss 35 I keep having vivid dreams of success. Then it's time to sle...