As an office professional with 25+ years of work experience, I have received my share of compliments at work. Though no two situations are the same when you receive a compliment at work, here are some ways to respond. Responding to a co-worker If a co-worker compliments you, thank them...
“this makes me feel uncomfortable”, or“please give me some space”. If the other person doesn’t respect this, we’re talking about harassment and then you want to warn the staff in case you’re in a resort or walk away if you’re in a public ...
How to handle a hostile work environment As an employee If you’re the victim of harassment in a hostile workplace environment, it can be challenging to know what action you should take. Handling a hostile work environment is no easy feat because the hostile behaviors tend to undermine your ...
Never try to physically remove people from highly emotional situations. They might view it as aggression. If you feel threatened, remain calm and report the incident to your manager or supervisor. Or, if there's violence involved, call security or the police. Five Ways to Handle Emotions in ...
such as harassment, discrimination, or physical aggression, immediate termination may be necessary to protect other employees and maintain a safe work environment. However, in cases where the behavior is less severe, a series of warnings and probation periods may be necessary before termination. It’...
If your efforts at conflict resolution don't work, you'll need to be willing to pursue formal procedures if necessary. And some situations, such as harassment, discrimination or bullying, require a formal disciplinary process to be followed. In these instances, or if you are in any doubt, ...
Confrontations can be anything from a subtle disagreement to addressing issues of perceived discrimination, bullying, or harassment. But confrontations can be positive. If well managed, they are vital to increasing understanding, enhancing innovation, and implementing cultural change. To better develop ...
There are times when you definitely want to discuss the situation with others in the company. This is especially true if the behavior of your manager borders on harassment or makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. In those situations, you should always speak to your boss' supervisor or someone...
Tips on how to handle conflict effectively: Find a win-win solution for both parties involved in the conflict.It isn’t always easy, but if both sides are willing, consider agreeing to disagree on certain matters that you won’t compromise on so both sides can be satisfied with their decis...
How do they handle pressure and difficult situations? Can you discuss their strengths and areas for improvement? Would you rehire the candidate if given the opportunity? Is there anything else I should know about them? Prepare the onboarding process ...