The natural question is how many motifs are there and how many have already been found? In order to answer this in at least one plausible and well-defined sense, we have chosen a quantitative measure of conformational similarity, rho (based on optimal rigid body superposition), and a means ...
RNA molecules can fold into intricate shapes that can provide an additional layer of control of gene expression beyond that of their sequence. In this Review, we discuss the current mechanistic understanding of structures in 5′ untranslated regions (UTRs) of eukaryotic mRNAs and the emerging metho...
g, GR protein sequence conservation mapped onto the GR atomic model from the GR:Hsp90:FKBP52 complex. Residue conservation is depicted from most variable (cyan) to most conserved residues (maroon). GR residues that interact with FKBP52 are shown as spheres. Source data Full size image In ...
The sensing of dsRNA is believed to be sequence-independent and rather depends on the distinct molecular features of the viral dsRNA structure mostly absent in uninfected host transcriptome [13]. Among the first cellular proteins that detect the invading virus are the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) ...
For example, protein phosphorylation was found to regulate ZIP7 activity resulting in the release of Zn2+ from intracellular stores leading to phosphorylation of tyrosine kinases and activation of signaling pathways. In addition, sequence analyses predict all 24 human zinc transporters to be ...
Benhalevy, D. et al. The human CCHC-type zinc finger nucleic acid-binding protein binds G-rich elements in target mRNA coding sequences and promotes translation.Cell Rep.18, 2979–2990 (2017). Article Ben-Asouli, Y., Banai, Y., Pel-Or, Y., Shir, A. & Kaempfer, R. Human interfe...
(HLA) and phenol-soluble regulatory protein (PSM). Of the cases included in this study, five were diagnosed with severe, complicated pneumonia. Four cases received antiviral treatments, and five patients with severe pneumonia opted for initial anti-infection treatment with vancomycin, being discharged...
Heme Oxygenase-2 Is a Hemoprotein and Binds Heme through Heme Regulatory Motifs That Are Not Involved in Heme Catalysis The heme oxygenase (HO) system degrades heme to biliverdin and CO and releases chelated iron. In the primary sequence of the constitutive form, HO-2, there... McCoubrey...
protein degradation proteolytic enzyme protein sequence protein stability Abbreviations AAA ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities LYV Leu-Tyr-Val tmRNA transfer-messenger ribonucleic acid The health of cells depends upon rapid alterations of their proteomes in response to developmental and envi...
Influenza virus can escape most antibodies with single mutations. However, rare antibodies broadly neutralize many viral strains. It is unclear how easily influenza virus might escape such antibodies if there was strong pressure to do so. Here, we map al