When you create a render texture that has a dimension of “Tex2DArray”, then the unity render texture layout looks like the following.As you can see, from Unity’s perspective, it looks very similar to the texture 2d case. The only difference is the underlying resource type.What is a ...
本机资源包中的材质的设置不会全部导入 Unity: 通常支持Diffuse Colour、Diffuse Texture和Names。 无法识别或导入着色器模型、镜面反射、法线、其他次要纹理和物质材质设置。 导入和导出 Unity 可使用两种类型的文件:保存的 3D 应用程序文件和导出的 3D 格式。决定使用哪种文件非常重要。有关更多信息,请参阅模型文件...
Go to Edit->Project Settings->Quality-> Anti Aliasing and set it to 4x or 8x, but be careful, this will drag your resources down so keep it as low as possible. In my case 4x was enough to help me achieve a slightly better look on my sprites. Anti-aliasing has the following effect...
ThisUnitypost explains how to set up aGUI Textureat the Unity editor and the code necessary to play a fullscreen video, that can be used for the studio logo animation at the beginning of the game, the game’s intro or any other video that needs to take the whole screen. It also expla...
Note that if your image contains transparency (after merging layers), then Unity will take alpha from merged transparency of all layers and it will ignore Alpha masks. A workaround for that is to create a layer with solid color as described in item 6 under “Getting Alpha Right”...
I recall that when I was working on the unity camera plugin I couldn't modify the Texture2D if I created it the same way you are doing. What worked is the flow you can verify in the code that I shared: The Texture2D is created on Unity (CameraPluginWrapper.cs). A pointer to this...
i'm trying to create a unity script that will generate a 360° visit and it must be managed by a web platform (where you upload your 360° images ) so my sphere in the unity script must load external images for the sphere texture. I found only how to load external images for texture...
Use CAD Exchanger SDK / Unity plugin to seamlessly import 3D CAD into Unity. Using interim formats natively supported by Unity Unity itself has a limited number of supported formats: .fbx, .dae, .3ds, .dxf, and .obj. Unity enables importing files in these formats in the edit mode only,...
Whether you’re an indie developer or part of a large studio, this guide explores how to make 2D art that creates engaging visuals and resonates with players. Step 1: Choosing Your Game Style The foundation of any successful game project lies in selecting the perfect art style that resonate...
This example shows how to convert VideoPlayer texture to OpenCV Mat using AsyncGPUReadback. - EnoxSoftware/VideoPlayerWithOpenCVForUnityExample