fastq ids.txt > seq_subset.fastq Where, input.fasta or input.fastq are the name of your input FASTA/FASTQ files, and ids.txt contains the list of sequences IDs (one ID per line) to extract from the FASTA/FASTQ files. The ids.txt can also contains the sequence ID and specific ...
If you want to convert or edit an FNA file, you can use our free Online FNA File Converter: Just click the "Choose your .fna file to view" button on this page. After your file is opened in browser, click "Save as..." in the menu. Then choose the file format (e.g. JPG...
The fasterq-dump tool uses temporary files and multi-threading to speed up the extraction of FASTQ-files or FASTA-files from SRA-accessions. Be aware that the commandline-parameters are similar to the older fastq-dump, but not identical. If a minimal commandline is given: $fasterq-dump SRR0...
If you want to find out which format your SEQ file belongs to, just click on the button "Choose your .seq file to analyze". Technical Data for SEQ File Extension Related files: ab1, sequence, fastq, sit, zip, fasta, abi, seq16, sqd, part-r-00000, vbb, seq0, seqf, sseq, sqn...
目前重复序列注释主要软件就是RepeatMasker和RepeatModel。这里要注意分析的fasta的ID不能过长,不然会报错。如果序列ID过长可以使用bioawk进行转换,后续用到RepatModel不支持多行存放序列的fasta格式。 直接使用同源注释工具RepeatMasker寻找重复序列: mkdir00-RepeatMask ...
4. FASTQ/FASTA concatenated The spots are not split : 4 lines of FASTQ or 2 lines of FASTA are written into one output-file for each spot. This mode allows for the output to be redirected to stdout via: '--stdout ( -Z )'.