Meditate (冥想) a few minutes every day. You can use meditation to slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. Sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed, letting any distracting thoughts leave you. Talk to your friends and family about stressors. Reachin...
Make sure you plan for seven to eight hours of sleep a night and wake up at the same time every day – this will train your brain to recognise on its own when it’s time to wake up. Switching off your television and putting down your phone 30 minutes or so before bedtime can help...
Step 1: Decide on a time and place that works for you. Research shows that it’s easiest to create a new habit when we do it at the “same time, same place” every day. Just don’t overthink it: The best time to meditate is really whenever you can best prioritize it. And the ...
Some difficulties may arise if you plan to spend your first ten minutes of work every day meditating, your boss might interrupt and give you an assignment, and lo and behold, you'll get sidetracked and completely forget to meditate.如果你计划每天工作的前十分钟冥想,可能会出现一些困难,你的老...
There’s anold sayingthat if you can’t find10 minutes in the dayto meditate, you probably need 20 minutes. In other words, if life is so hectic that you can’t spend 10 minutes being mindful and present, then that’s probably a sign you need to push pause and reassess your prioriti...
Stepping into the positive – turning down the volume and setting a strong intention As you can see, there are many scientific studies that have looked at the profound benefits meditation has to offer. If you take just ten minutes a day, over time your brain can begin to show positive chan...
One of the most common questions that comes up for people learning to meditate is about dose. In other words,How much should I meditate? In the evidence-basedMindfulness-BasedStressReduction (MBSR) program, participants are encouraged to meditate for about 45 minutes a day. That can be hard ...
so consistency and tracking are key. Make sure your goals are time-specific and tied to another activity you do every day, to fully integrate it into your routine. For example, if your goal is to meditate every morning, your goal could be meditating for five minut...
read, meditate, refill your water bottle — whatever helps you sustain your energy and focus. You can also use thePomodoro Techniqueto sustain attention over the course of the day. This involves working at a high level for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break before repeating the cyc...
Our mind is composed of many parts: thoughts, perceptions, feelings, memories and images following one after the other, ceaselessly. Spend a few minutes simply observing the ever-changing flow of experiences in your mind, like someone looking out ...