trauma can taint that view. They see things in a much darker way, not really knowing how to trust people. The ENTP child who has been through something traumatic can go through times of distancing themselves from others, even rebelling against what they are told to do. This can cause them...
For example, if the patient had been in a car accident, they might imagine driving on a highway, perhaps at night or alone, and see if any distressing emotions arise. If they do, the patient might still need some more treatment. A unique aspect of EMDR is that the person may not hav...
Research has shown that one of the most significant factors in overcoming childhood trauma is the presence of a caring, compassionate adult. These relationships can offer stability, safety, and a model for positive behavior and coping mechanisms. Here are actionable steps to esta...
What are the 4 R's of trauma-informed care? The trauma-informed approach is guided four assumptions, known as the “Four R's”:Realization about trauma and how it can affect people and groups, recognizing the signs of trauma, having a system which can respond to trauma, and resisting re...
A new study of military veterans who went through trauma finds that those veterans who have related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also more likely to experience "post-traumatic growth" - such as an increased appreciation of life, awareness of
I drew upon my work withtraumasurvivors and people in public life who had dedicated themselves to helping others because of their experiences with trauma. These people, whom I call "menders," respond to their trauma with heightened empathy and a sense of moral responsibility to protect and care...
Maltreatment, whether through war or child abuse, can transform how a person responds to adversity later, and leave them at higher risk to physical illness, although not everyone reacts the same way. Scientists are trying to figure out the complex biology that connects childhood trauma with ill...
you'll experiencefirsthandhow people treat us freaks. 你会马上体会到我们怪胎的境遇。 图片源自《美国恐怖故事》 and you see the victimsfirsthandin court. 你在法庭上能直接看到受害者。 图片源自《芝加哥警署》 I know fromfirsthandexperience what it's like to push too hard after a trauma. ...
Isolated, lost, and depressed, I finally realized that the hurt inside me was hurting the people I love the most—my own children. I didn’t want to pass my trauma and my parents’ trauma down to the next generation, so I made a promise to myself to heal as best I could. ...