More and more, the answer to “Why should I journal?” seems to be “Why not?” The privacy of the medium gives us the ability to write whatever we want. And like meditation, which requires only our compassion and awareness, all we need to start journaling is a pen and paper (or sc...
As Tim Ferriss has said of his daily journaling habit,“I don’t journal to ‘be productive.’ I don’t do it to find great ideas, or to put down prose I can later publish. The pages aren’t intended for anyone but me…I’m just caging my monkey mind on paper so I can get ...
Finally, journaling is like any other habit—you need a daily reminder to do it; otherwise, it’ll be easy to forget. We highly recommend using a reminder system to prompt you into action. You can use the classic method of putting this habit on a calendar or Post-it Notes. You can ...
and the time you have to do it in.以及你要完成它的时间。Okay, let's set up your Daily Log.好了,让我们设置你的每日日志。Start by entering the day date.以输入这一天的日期开始。Now you can start adding entries.
Need a good place to start for goal setting? To create a good balance for your life, you should set goals in these seven meaningful areas: Spiritual:Finish a new devotional, startjournalingevery morning, or begin attending church every week. ...
Anthony, let's start with the basics. 安東尼,讓我們從最基本的開始。 Why are habits so important and why do we struggle to stick to them? 為什麼習慣如此重要,而我們卻難以堅持? That's a great question, Lisa. 這個問題問得好,麗薩。 Habits are like the building blocks of our daily li...
Why Do I Start My New Habits in January? For me, it has nothing to do with a “new year” and more to do with the fact that I actually have the time to focus on developing a new habit from mid-January through mid-March. I don’t have yard work or fun outside activities vying...
How to Start Journaling To begin, choose a medium for journaling. I prefer a notebook and a good quality pen, but there are also many apps to choose from or you can use a basic Word document. Don’t worry about proper grammar or spelling; the goal is to express yourself freely. You...
What do you write? How do you start? What do you put on that page? As someone who has been journaling since 1999, I know that unnerving feeling. But I’ve had a lot of experience overcoming those problems, and I can help you out. ...
With various ideal journaling pens STABILO provides the perfect equipment for creative people who love to start their very own journal. Here are all the tips.