However, the vitality of knowing the tips you need to know before starting your journal is really important. So let’s go with the 05 tips you need to start your journaling journey with. Be clear about your reason to keep a journal You get to know keeping a journal is important and ...
Journaling is one of thebest ways to get to know yourselfin an intimate way. It provides a private place for you to get all of your thoughts and feelings out in a way that you are able to make sense of them. Writing is not only therapeutic, but a great opportunity to ask yourself s...
Having an example fitness journal template can be a great way to get started as you begin journaling. These example fitness journal templates offer several questions to help guide your entry and gives you a repeatable structure to follow, but don’t be afraid to make it your own. By starting...
When you first begin documenting what you are grateful for, you might list inanimate objects and abstract concepts. This is fine to start, but as you get better at expressing your gratitude in writing, aim to change the targets of your appreciation to other people (or maybe even pets, too)...
Tip #10: Start by Journaling Sometimes it's hard to get the words to flow. One way to get around this is to journal before you start actually writing. What this does is get your mind into a mindset of writing, and helps to get you into that state of flow, where the words and tho...
In short, an art journal can be whatever you want it to be! In this article, we'll provide some tips and inspirations to help you begin your art journaling adventure. 1. Why journal? There's no better person to explainwhycreatives should journal than award-winning author, founder and CEO...
There are so many benefits to nature journaling that it's become a very popular way to express creativity and tap into mindfulness for most these days. The next time you head outside for a hike or a local walk, consider this artistic expression option an
Taking care of yourself should be your top priority if you want to experience a holistic journey. It’s not just good for physical health but also emotional wellbeing. Yoga, journaling, getting out in nature and doing things like deep breathing or guided imagery visualizations. These are all ...
with the emphasis on the end goal. I then followed it up by breaking down my plan into smaller goals that would lead me in the direction to my big goal. I wrote a business plan that included a realistic timeline and followed it by journaling weekly. Reviewing my journal entries at he ...
When it comes to journaling, there’s nothing to master but your own ability to be self-aware. But understandably, journaling doesn’t come naturally to everyone. So if you’re struggling to get motivated, I’ll share with you some of my best advice in this article. ...