Using an electric field of the depletion layer spreading acceleration layer inside by the reverse bias, the PN junction being formed by the acceleration layer of N-type semiconductor and a P-type semiconductor layer, to accelerate electrons, a fluorescent or luminescent center further It is aimed ...
The diode is atwo-layer, two-terminal semiconductor device. When n-type and p-type semiconductor material are joined together, this forms a PN junction, which is referred to as a diode. What is required to make a Shockley diode? Construction of Shockley Diode It is formed bysandwiching fou...
Therefore, the positively charged holes are repelled away from the electrode, leaving the negatively charged minority carriers immobile near the SiO2 layer to form a negative charge layer (depletion layer). This phenomenon forms a trap for electrons. Once the electrons enter the trap, they cannot...
In this region, the transistor will be biased so that the maximum amount of base current(IB) is applied, resulting in maximum collector current(IC=VCC/RL) and then resulting in the minimum collector-emitter voltage(VCE ~ 0) drop. At this condition, the depletion layer becomes as small as...