如此种种…… 8. 非此即彼或非黑即白,假两难推理,或排除中间谬误 Either/Or or Black/White, False Dilemma, or Excluded Middle Fallacy 这个谬误只是将一个问题简单描绘成两个极端,没有中间立场空间或是细微差别、妥协。它与稻草人谬误密切相关,基本上只描绘一面,而不是两者,因为如此极端,不能苟同。 谬论:...
什么是人身攻击谬误(ad hominem fallacy)? 在《学会提问》这本书里,它的解释是“指针对个人的人身攻击或侮辱,而不是直接反驳其提供的理由。”也就是所谓的“对人不对事”。 这个谬误相对来说,还是比较好理解的。它经常发生的场景在于,我们不去指责某个人的观点或者立场,而是指责与其谈话内容无关的这个人的某个...
什么是人身攻击谬误(ad hominem fallacy)? 在《学会提问》这本书里,它的解释是“指针对个人的人身攻击或侮辱,而不是直接反驳其提供的理由。”也就是所谓的“对人不对事”。 这个谬误相对来说,还是比较好理解的。它经常发生的场景在于,我们不去指责某个人的观点或者立场,而是指责与其谈话内容无关的这个人的某个...
所属专辑:Fallacy Detective 声音简介 Welcome to "Fallacy Detective," where your reasoning skills get a workout, and the fallacies get a takedown. I'm Joey, your host and partner in crime-solving—fallacy crimes, that is. Today, we're rolling out the tape at our first crime scene: The ...
(redirected fromAd hominem fallacy) Thesaurus Legal ad hom·i·nem (hŏm′ə-nĕm′, -nəm) adj. 1.Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or argument:The candidates agreed to focus on the issues rather than making ad hominem attacks against each other. ...
What is an ad hominem fallacy? Reasoned Faults Strong arguments require logical reasoning. Sometimes, a writer's reasoning is faulty. Such faulty reasoning is often the result of a rhetorical fallacy, like the ad hominem fallacy. Answer and Explanation: ...
Using an ad hominem fallacy pulls the public's attention off the real issue and serves only as a distraction. In some contexts it's unethical. It's also calledargumentum ad hominem, abusive ad hominem, poisoning the well, ad personam, andmudslinging. The attacks serve as red herrings to ...
Relevantis the keyword. Among logical fallacies, ad hominem is a fallacy of relevance. That means that its flaw is its lack of relevance to the discussion in which it’s used. More broadly, ad hominem is an informal fallacy. This type of fallacy is where the flaw lies in the application...
从个人偏好出发(ad hominem), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 相关网页 短语 argumentum ad hominem 人身批评 | 人身攻击 | 人身批判 | 以人为据 ad hominem argument 谬误论证 | 人身攻击的谬误 | 针对人身论证 Ad Hominem Fallacy 人身攻击谬误 | 人身攻击的谬误 argument ad hominem 人身攻击论证 | 恶意诋毁 ...
Ad hominem is a logical fallacy that involves attacking the person making an argument rather than the argument itself. The term “ad hominem” comes from the Latin phrase “argumentum ad hominem,” which means “argument against the person.” This fallacy is often used in debates, ...