(redirected fromAd hominem fallacy) Thesaurus Legal ad hom·i·nem (hŏm′ə-nĕm′, -nəm) adj. 1.Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or argument:The candidates agreed to focus on the issues rather than making ad hominem attacks against each other. ...
什么是人身攻击谬误(ad hominem fallacy)? 在《学会提问》这本书里,它的解释是“指针对个人的人身攻击或侮辱,而不是直接反驳其提供的理由。”也就是所谓的“对人不对事”。 这个谬误相对来说,还是比较好理解的。它经常发生的场景在于,我们不去指责某个人的观点或者立场,而是指责与其谈话内容无关的这个人的某个...
Let's zoom in on a classic culprit: the ad hominem fallacy. This is where the argument goes out the window, and personal attacks fly in. It's like saying, "Don't trust Joey's podcast picks; he's too new to the game." That's a low blow and completely dodges whether the podcasts...
1. 诉诸人身 Ad Hominem 这可以翻译成“对人”。指的是对提出论点的人的任何攻击,而不是对证据或逻辑的有效性的攻击。说我不同意你是一回事,但说我不喜欢你是另一回事,你错了是因为我不喜欢你;恶人常作有效主张,善人常作无效主张,故将主张与人分开。就像情感诉求一样,一个论点的有效性与提出论点的人的性格...
Ad hominem fallacy Ad populum fallacy Appeal to authority fallacy Appeal to emotion fallacy Appeal to pity fallacy Base rate fallacy Begging the question fallacy Circular reasoning fallacy Ecological fallacy Either-or fallacy Equivocation fallacy Fallacy of composition False cause fallacy False dilemma falla...
Logical Fallacy: Ad HominemLatest VideosAd hominem is a logical fallacy that involves attacking the person making an argument ratherthan the argument itself. The term “ad hominem” comes from the Latin phrase “argumentum adhominem,” which means “argument against the person.” This fallacy is...
What is the ad hominem logical fallacy? Ad hominem (Latin for “to the person”) is a category of argumentative strategies that involve criticizing an opponent’s character, motive, background, or other personal attributes instead of their argument’s content. Here’s a quick example: ...
诉诸身份 (genetic fallacy): 这种形式攻击论点的起源或来源,试图通过否定其来源的合法性或可信度来否定论点本身。例如,"你的想法是从一个极端主义网站上看到的,所以它一定是错误的。" 这种论证忽略了论点本身的逻辑和证据,仅仅因为论点的来源不受欢迎或有争议就将其否定,这是一种ad hominem谬误。 涂抹(poisoning ...
How can the ad hominem fallacy be avoided? What is the effect of ad hominem fallacies? What is the post hoc fallacy? What is a logical fallacy? What is the logical fallacy for name calling? What type of fallacy is the straw man fallacy?
Using an ad hominem fallacy pulls the public's attention off the real issue and serves only as a distraction. In some contexts it's unethical. It's also calledargumentum ad hominem, abusive ad hominem, poisoning the well, ad personam, andmudslinging. The attacks serve as red herrings to ...