(2001) IMGT /HLA Database -- a sequence database for the human major histocompatibility complex. Nucleic Acids Research, 29, 210.Robinson J,Waller MJ,Parham P,Bodmer JG,Marsh SG.IMGT/HLA Database-a sequence database for the human major histocompatibility complex. Nucleic ...
国际免疫遗传学数据库(ImMunoGeneTicsDatabase, IMGTDatabase)是人类主要组织相容性复合物系统序列的 一个专题数据库。它包括了WHOHLA系统因子命名委员 会正式认可并命名的全部HLA序列。其他与HLA有关的 数据库包括:6号染色体数据库,曾称为MHC2DB,目前在英 ...
国际免疫遗传学数据库(ImMuno G ene Tics Database, IM GT Database)是人类主要组织相容性复合物系统序列的一个专题数据库。它包括了W HO HL A系统因子命名委员会正式认可并命名的全部HL A序列。其他与HL A有关的数据库包括:6号染色体数据库,曾称为M HC2DB,目前在英国剑桥的Sangeer Centre,它提供HL A区域...
The IPD-IMGT/HLA Database, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ipd/imgt/hla/, currently contains over 25 000 allele sequence for 45 genes, which are located within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) of the human genome. This region is the most polymorphic region of the human genome, and the ...
# 假设2个文件 sample.R1.fastq.gz sample.R2.fastq.gz # 数据库位置存放在/database/ bash /mnt/HLAHD/hlahd.1.0.1/binhlahd.sh \ -t 4 -m 100 \ -f /database/hlahd.1.4.0/freq_data \ sample.R1.fastq.gz sample.R2.fastq.gz \ /database/hlahd.1.4.0/HLA_gene.split.txt \ /data...
[0052] 在本实施例中,PCR引物设计所需要的HLA外显子序列来源頂GT/HLA Database,网址:http: //www. ebi .nc · uk/ipd/imgt/hla/。引物设计米用Primer Premier 6 · 0软件,设计 的引物在頂GT数据库中进行比对,确认该组引物能特异性地对所需片段进行扩增或测序。
All 17th IHIW HLA data are standardized to IPD-IMGT/HLA Database version 3.25.0, with genotype data generated under other database versions converted to 3.25.0. Conclusions The 17th IHIW database applies our standards, tools and services to consume, validate and store structured NGS HLA data...
contributing to the diversity of MHC-I-binding motifs9. There are >13,000 MHC-I alleles on a four-digit level (e.g., A*02:01) recorded in the IPD-IMGT/HLA database10, representing a particular protein sequence. Thus, it is difficult to select antigens from numerous peptides for each...
--rebuild: rebuild HLA database -v, --verbose: verbosity (default: False) Customized references can be built from arcasHLA genotype outputs. Input: HLA tsv Customized references can be built from a tab-separated file with the following structure: ...
42、*103:01DPB1*0502 becomes DPB1*104:01 etcLists of old and new allele names will be made available through the IMGT/HLA Database (www.ebi.ac.uk/imgt/hla )WHO命名委员会还定义了某些等位基因串(String of Alleles)的代码. 2,3外显子多肽序列相同的等位基因串将以大写的P注明,如A*02:01P...