在本质上无序的区域中含有带电氨基酸块的蛋白质有助于核仁的分层组织,并在核凝聚物中建立独特的 pH 环境。 Mastigoneme structure reveals insights into the O-linked glycosylation code of native hydroxyproline-rich helices Mastigoneme结构揭示了对天然富含...
关键字:Karpas-299 Cell Line; 公司简介 上海冠导生物工程有限公司,先后从ATCC、DSMZ、ECACC、RIKEN、PromoCell、ScienCell、JCRB等国内外细胞库引进细胞2000余株。以此为契机,公司组建了冠导细胞库,我司细胞均由资深细胞培养工程师进行培养。我司可以提供的细胞有:①细胞系②原代细胞③稳转株④耐药株⑤标记细胞⑥细...
该研究发现Long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1或L1)可以富集RNA聚合酶II (RNA Pol II),转录L1嵌合RNA,并创建接触结构域边界。这一过程受到核基质蛋白支架附着因子B (SAFB)的限制,SAFB识别L1 RNA,在L1聚集,并减少RNA Pol II的富集。该研究结果证明了L1插入在创建区域边界中的作用,而SAFB积极地抵消了这...
et al. First-line treatment of advanced epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation positive non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 3, CD010383 (2021). PubMed Google Scholar Furrer, K. et al. Extended resection for potentially operable patients with stage...
Fig. 4: Tumor-specific HLA class I peptide ligand characteristics. aIdentification overlap in unique HLA peptide ligands between normal CRC organoids and each tumor organoid line. In all comparisons, the majority of HLA peptide ligands (>6800) were presented by both normal colon organoids and tu...
After converting RNA-seq count data to transcripts per kilobase million (TPM) and further log-2 transferring, microarray data harbors more comparability was acquired. The robust multi-array average (RMA) algorithm was implemented to normalize microarray data in the affy package. Across all cohorts,...
Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) Immuno-Polymorphism Database (IPD) (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ipd/imgt/hla)22,31 was screened for mutations in exon 4 C6/C7 repeats (HLA-A: c.621_627; HLA-B: c.621_626; and HLA-G: c.621_627) and their paralogous sequences in HLA class I pseudogenes...
ontology (GO) enrichment analysis for 250 genes associated with most significant common peaks between iMG and pMG is depicted. ATAC-Seq was performed on iMG derived from C1-iPSC line. Abbreviations: UTR untranslated region; TSS transcription start site; kb kilobase; HMC3 human microglia cell ...
2d). To study the TCR-binding properties in the absence of CD4, we transduced the TCR-deficient CD8+ T cell hybridoma line 58α−β− with each TCR. The 58α−β− cells expressing TCRs 1 and 2 were able to bind tetramer independently of the CD4 co-receptor, whereas cells ...
OS data were immature, while authors reported an HR of 0.63, which was not statistically significant. First-line osimertinib is now considered one of the options for NSCLC patients with sensitising EGFR mutations [I, A; MBCS score v1.1 score: 4]. The combination of ChT with gefitinib, at ...