(b) Cells were stained with Rabbit anti-FoxO1 antibody and/or Mouse anti-YAP antibody, and in vivo protein–protein interaction between FoxO1 and YAP (red dots) was detected with secondary proximity probes, anti-Rabbit-PLUS and anti-Mouse-MINUS, using the Duolink in situ PLA detection kit....
Cellular turnover is sustained by highly proliferative Lgr5+ stem cells found at the bottom of intestinal and colonic crypts (Barker et al., 2007), and the presence of an active Wnt signaling pathway acts as a defining property for these stem cells. Wnt agonists are secreted by neighboring ...
, and YAP and inhibited the nuclear translocation of YAP compared with the control. These TPA-induced phenomena were mostly ameliorated by Gö 6983. Our results indicate that PKCδ exerts an antifibrotic effect by inhibiting the Hippo pathway in HSCs. Therefore, PKCδ and YAP can be used as...