Summary The Highly Sensitive Persons Scale (HSPS) was developed to measure individual differences in temperament associated with sensitivity to emotional, physical, and social stimuli (Aron & Aron, 1997). In its original construction, a series of studies identified acceptable reliability estimates and ...
A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a term for those who are thought to have an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli.1 Some refer to this as having sensory processing sensitivity, or SPS for short. While highly sensitive people are...
Pluess, M., et al. Highly Sensitive Child Scale (HSC Scale). Ponce-Valencia, A., et al. Reduced Versions of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (R-HSP Scale)
Highly Sensitive Person Scale:27 items; for example, “Are you easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input?” and “Do changes in your life shake you up?” Daily life satisfaction:One item (“How satisfied were you with your life today?”) ...
这个叫HSP(Highly Sensitive Person),翻译成中文是“高敏感型人群”。这一概念由美国心理学家伊莱恩·阿伦博士在其著作中首次正式提出。据说每5个人中就有1人是高敏感人群。HSP不是一种疾病,而是心理学研究中使用的词语,指的是一个人天生的秉性气质(但也会受到精神创伤的诱发)。高敏感人群的五大感官极其敏锐,容易...
Highly sensitive person. 即高敏感人格。 研究表明:高度敏感型人拥有发达的神经系统。HSP可以感知到事物细微的差别,并对信息进行更深入的加工。HSP拥有活跃的想象力和丰富的内心世界,这意味着HSP从外部世界接收和感知到的信息,会触发大脑里各种概念、想法并建立联结。钱学森在1994年10月10日致戴汝为,汪成为,钱学敏...
根据前文“Highly sensitive person, or HSP, is a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. According to research, in every five people, there’s one HSP. (高敏感者,简称HSP,是心理学家伊莱恩·阿伦创造的一个术语。根据研究,每五个人中就有一个高敏感人群。)”以及后文“HSPs have strong self-cons...
The highly sensitive person – How to thrive when the world overwhelms you by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. 测评:看看你是否属于高度敏感人群 (HSP) Chapter 1 You belong to a group (HSP) that has often demonstratedgreat creativity, insight, passion, and caring. HSPs tend to be visionaries, highly...
高敏感者(Highly Sensitive Person,简称HSP)一词是由心理学家 Elaine Aron 和 Arthur Aron 在 1990 年代中期创造的。这并不意味着这是一种“病”,也不存在一个官方的定义。你的敏感程度部分取决于你的基因,部分取决于你的成长方式。 伦敦玛丽女王大学专门研究敏感性的研究员 Michael Pluess 认为,敏感性是一个连...