高敏感性格(Highly Sensitive Person,简称HSP)是一种性格特质,指那些对外界刺激(包括情绪、环境和感官)特别敏感的人群。这类人往往对细微的变化和他人情绪的波动特别敏锐,容易受到强烈的情绪影响,并且更倾向于深度处理信息。心理学家伊莱恩·阿伦(Elaine N. Aron)最早在20世纪90年代对这种特质进行研究,并提出了“HSP...
根据前文“Highly sensitive person, or HSP, is a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. According to research, in every five people, there’s one HSP. (高敏感者,简称HSP,是心理学家伊莱恩·阿伦创造的一个术语。根据研究,每五个人中就有一个高敏感人群。)”以及后文“HSPs have strong self-cons...
这个叫HSP(Highly Sensitive Person),翻译成中文是“高敏感型人群”。这一概念由美国心理学家伊莱恩·阿伦博士在其著作中首次正式提出。据说每5个人中就有1人是高敏感人群。HSP不是一种疾病,而是心理学研究中使用的词语,指的是一个人天生的秉性气质(但也会受到精神创伤的诱发)。高敏感人群的五大感官极其敏锐,容易...
HSP人群典型的三类特征: 1,长期扮演别人,没有自我主张 同调性:想法、语言。行为与他人保持一致的倾向。 长期在意他人的想法,而压抑自己内心真正的感受,不断欺骗自己。 2,想说的话太多,不知从何说起 3,过度在意对方,从而无法表达 太在意别人的看法,比较任意全盘接收对方的言语和感情。由于过度地在意对方根本不会...
Highly sensitive person. 即高敏感人格。 研究表明:高度敏感型人拥有发达的神经系统。HSP可以感知到事物细微的差别,并对信息进行更深入的加工。HSP拥有活跃的想象力和丰富的内心世界,这意味着HSP从外部世界接收和感知到的信息,会触发大脑里各种概念、想法并建立联结。钱学森在1994年10月10日致戴汝为,汪成为,钱学敏...
在脑神经科学领域,高敏感人类有自己的专属名称,叫Highly Sensitive Person(简称HSP),高敏感孩子叫Highly Sensitive Child(HSC),完全由基因决定,与原生家庭的教育方式无关。 也就是说,一个人要么是HSP,要么不是,不存在中间值。 HSP在人群中的比例约占15%-20%,这个比例不算低,它不是一种病,反而可以看作是一个...
Dan Benor, MD, psychotherapist, has been an iconic pioneer in the wholistic healthcare movement for five decades. His wide clin-ical experience and deep wisdom have led him to an understanding of the highly sensitive person — HSP. As Benor shows, HSPs, who constitute around 20 percent of ...
Highly sensitive personHyperandrogenismHyperinsulinemiaPolycystic ovary syndromeSensory processing sensitivityThe title of this article refers to a variation on human temperament and sensory processing—an overarching kind of sensitivity called sensory processing sensiti...
A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a term used to describe individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to their environment, including stimuli such as sights, sounds, and emotions. HSPs process information more deeply and have a greater awareness of subtleties in their environment, making them ...
The highly sensitive person – How to thrive when the world overwhelms you by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. 测评:看看你是否属于高度敏感人群 (HSP) Chapter 1 You belong to a group (HSP) that has often demonstratedgreat creativity, insight, passion, and caring. HSPs tend to be visionaries, highly...