Kitsenko G, Shakhov A, Lazzarini Z, Case P, Chintalova-Dallas R, Burris S: Harm Reduction Training in Law Schools in Ukraine. In 19th International Harm Reduction Conference: 11-15 May 2008 Bar- celona, Spain.Kitsenko G, Shakhov A, Lazzarini Z, Case P, Chintalova-Dallas R, Burris S...
Harm reduction is a person-centred approach that promotes the health and safety of substance users who are not able or willing to abstain from drugs totally...
Nigel Brunsdon has been delivering harm reduction focused training for over a decade to some of the biggest drug service providors in the UK. All courses are focused on practical skills and can be delivered to delegates at any existing knowledge level. More details Our...
Q. How can I avoid sport injuries?I started training In a gym near my house, I run 3k every other day and lifting weights. I’ve been having a slight pain in my knees the past 3 times. How can I avoid it? A.A good idea is never miss a warm up: ...
Applied Forensic Harm Reduction Prevention Peer Service Provider Training (aFHRPPSP) and Examination Preparation
Harm Reduction Journal BioMed Central Research Efficacy of pharmacotherapies for short-term smoking abstinance: A systematic review and meta-analysis Edward J Mills*1, Ping Wu2, Dean Spurden3, Jon O Ebbert4 and Kumanan Wilson5 Open Access Address: 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser ...
Schools can play a role in drug prevention, but to maximise their influence they have to provide programs that are well researched, relevant and credible. In this regard, a harm reduction focus offers distinct advantages. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to...
Harm reduction in the Heartland: public knowledge and beliefs about naloxone in Nebraska, USA. January 04, 2022 [MEDLINE Abstract] Paulo Freire: Review of "The Pedagogy of the Oppressed" : 1st Edition, Penguin Random House UK, London, 2017. ...
While the last decade has seen a growth of support for harm reduction around the world, the availability and accessibility of quality harm reduction services in prison settings is uneven and continues to be inadequate compared to the progress achieved in
Training to reduce emergency responders' perceived overdose risk from contact with fentanyl: early evidence of success. January 24, 2020 [MEDLINE Abstract] Harm reduction in an emergency response to homelessness during South Africa's COVID-19 lockdown. ...