Here in Tennessee, we have acivil immunity lawthat allows people to possess, distribute, and use naloxone as long as we offer it for free. Absolutely no training is requiredto qualify for this law’s protection. Both injectable naloxone and NARCAN nasal spray are covered under this law. ...
Harm Reduction Therapy Harm Reduction Training Institute Harm Reduction Worker Harm Reduction, Abstinence and Moderation Support Harm Targeting System Harm Touch Harm ye none and do what ye will harm's way Harm's Way (Angel episode) Harmachis Harmachis Harmagedon Harmagedon Harmala Harmala alkaloid...
Smoke-free products can be used to complement existing tobacco control efforts, including smoking prevention and the encouragement of cessation. As such, they could be an important part of an overall harm reduction strategy and a benefit to public health. ...
TheHarm Reduction Journalis published continuously online-only. We encourage you to sign up to receive free email alerts to keep up to date with all of the latest articles by registeringhere. Aims and Scope TheHarm Reduction Journalis an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research...
台灣威卜 菸草減害網路媒體(VAPE TAIWAN Inc.) 成立於2017年,是台灣最具影響力的菸草減害產業(電子菸/電子煙、加熱菸、尼古丁袋等減害菸品)繁體中文媒體。身為菸草減害(Tobacco Harm Reduction)產業領導繁體中文媒體,台灣威卜針對國際最新產業新聞、研究、國家資料進行收
Public policy Harm reduction in outpatient drug -free substance abuse treatment settings STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY Bonnie Carlson EversmanMichaelIn the United States, drug-free substance abuse treatment programs generally operate under an abstinence-only, disease model based service ...
Q. How can I avoid sport injuries?I started training In a gym near my house, I run 3k every other day and lifting weights. I’ve been having a slight pain in my knees the past 3 times. How can I avoid it? A.A good idea is never miss a warm up: ...
Philanthropic donor perspectives about providing harm reduction services for people living with HIV/AIDS in a hospital setting. January 16, 2022 [MEDLINE Abstract] Reducing the stigma surrounding opioid use disorder: evaluating an opioid overdose prevention training program applied to a diverse population...
Mission Statement:Harm Reduction Journal is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal whose focus is prevalent patterns of psychoactive drug use, the public policies meant to control them, and the search for effective methods of reducing the adverse medical, public health, and social consequences...
PMI offers smoke-free alternatives with the potential to reduce the risk of harm for adult smokers who do not quit. Learn about harm reduction, the role of nicotine, and the regulation of smoke-free products.