*Training materials pending approval by the Canadian Addictions Counsellors Certification Federation (CACCF) Applied Forensic Ministry ForensicCI.com also uses the application of spirituality and religion to harm reduction practical strategies “ in order to predict and perhaps (further) explain and unders...
\\\ PA G E1HARM REDUCTION PRINCIPLES 鈭 3MV 鈭 DECEMBER 2010SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALSHARM REDUCTION PRINCIPLESHarm reduction (HR) is a philosophy that risk reduction strategies should be individualized and based on a client's starting point and readiness to change a risk behavior. In this way, ...
Services delivered include education and training in the use of naloxone and fentanyl, xylazine and benzodiazepine test strips. Leave behind materials include naloxone, test strips and handouts with information on the intervention and local resources.Results to date indicate that this intervention is ...
(1999). School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project: Formative development of intervention materials and processes. Journal of the Institute of Health Education, 37, (4), pp. 137-143. [RJ301]McBride N., Farringdon F., Muleners L., Midford R. School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction ...
Alcohol Harm Reduction 2021 and Beyond: Current Status of Policy, Programs and Practices Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Availability of data and materials Abbreviations References Acknowledgements Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional informa...
[16]. However, the reduction of self-harm events along with the decrease in the overcrowding index is a positive evolution for the Champ-Dollon prison. The stable turnover rate may be due to the fact that a notable proportion of PLD incarcerated in the prison were already sentenced, even ...
Some of the best-known harm reduction tools include: Free syringe service programs Overdose prevention sites Fentanyl tests Naloxone kits and training Sterile injection or smoking equipment Harm reduction also comprises addiction facilities, support groups, and medical services, including wound care, vaccin...
has developed multimedia injection safety training materials that specifically address the misconceptions that lead to reuse without sterilization, the "One and Only Campaign" video, signage and brochures http://www.oneandonlycampaign.org/. Patients should be taught to expect to see a new needle ...
We hope that the technical foundations we have provided in this perspective will enable the harm reduction community to continue to guide innovations in drug checking.Availability of data and materials All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article....
[1]. Within the UK, where heroin is almost exclusively smoked or injected, social marketing campaigns and harm reduction materials have previously been developed that aim to encourage transitions to chasing among injectors such as the Healthy Options Team (HOT), East London's Chasing Campaign [12...