Harm Reduction Training Manual: A Manual for Frontline Staff Involved with Harm Reduction Strategies and ServicesBC Harm Reduction Strategies
that developed a training manual for teachers for the purposes of this one semester course (Jean Paul Grund, Katarina Jirešová, Anya Sarang, Lenka Vavrinčíková and Don McVinney) course is aimed at delivering introductory information about harm reduction, its interventions and its con...
Applied Forensic Harm Reduction Prevention Peer Service Provider Training (aFHRPPSP) and Examination Preparation
Harm reduction efforts in Latin@, African American and Native American communities Successful service program models including: urban and rural/non-urban settings, culturally specific services, cross-modalities, long-term sustainability, etc. User-to-user interventions, education, organizing and advocacy H...
In addition to maintaining consistent communication between all stakeholders, Canadian MAP staff and local community stakeholders highlighted the importance of continuous training on the needs of served individuals with severe AUD. They recommended focusing education on alcohol harm reduction and goals of th...
Updated and enriched knowledge regarding research on language and cognitive development and the harms of language deprivation in the professional development and training of those who advise parents of deaf children. Immediate and early support for parents in decision making about their deaf child and ...
All teachers were given a Teacher Manual which provided guidelines for implementing the program, but no formal training was given. The manual also included teacher and student summaries and five pre-planned class- room activities per lesson. Teachers were able to choose which activities to implement...
Attention and disruptive behavior disorders present considerable challenges for children and their parents. These challenges have led to the development of parenting programs; however, there is a paucity of literature that discusses the ethical dilemmas parent training researchers face. This article reviews...
Harm Reduct J (2021) 18:67 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-021-00506-3 RESEARCH Open Access The state of harm reduction in prisons in 30 European countries with a focus on people who inject drugs and infectious diseases Heino Stöver1* , Anna Tarján2, Gergely...
Asserting the human right to health An Alternative Framework: Harm Reduction and Benefit Maximization Conclusion References Acknowledgements Author information Additional information Authors’ original submitted files for images Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementHarm...