University of Toronto多伦多大学 热度: TOURISM TORONTO:多伦多旅游局 热度: Toronto Harm Reduction Task Force Holly Kramer, coordonnatrice du projet Le THRTF Le groupe de travail est un regroupement de professionnels, d’organismes et de membres ...
it has been claimed that in most countries where the drug is smoked, this is the most common form of crystal methamphetamine use [3].The fundamental goal of this project was to acquire the information necessary to create evidence-based harm reduction programs in Toronto for this group of drug...
Philanthropic donor perspectives about providing harm reduction services for people living with HIV/AIDS in a hospital setting. January 16, 2022 [MEDLINE Abstract] Reducing the stigma surrounding opioid use disorder: evaluating an opioid overdose prevention training program applied to a diverse population...
The National Harm Reduction Conference is the only multidisciplinary gathering in the United States focusing on the health of individuals and communities impacted by drug use. The purpose of the conference is to inspire and explore new perspectives on incorporating Harm Reduction into direct services, ...
Training to reduce emergency responders' perceived overdose risk from contact with fentanyl: early evidence of success. January 24, 2020 [MEDLINE Abstract] Harm reduction in an emergency response to homelessness during South Africa's COVID-19 lockdown. ...
Drug checking is increasingly being explored outside of festivals and events to be an ongoing service within communities, frequently integrated within responses to illicit drug overdose. The choice of instrumentation is a common question, and the demands
the Crack Users Project. Both programs involved educating people with lived experience and working in a harm-reduction model, training people to be workers at these agencies who could use their lived experiences to be a bridge between health services and the street community, by which I mean peo...
Vapes by Enushi vapour boutique is a Greater Toronto Area (GTA) vape store that offers electronic cigarettes, e-cigs, e-liquid, vape hardware, as a harm reduction alternative to combusting traditional tobacco cigarettes
(the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the University of Toronto) and other substance policy and research organizations, including the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Institutes for Health, and the European Monitoring Centre...