Ped animation player Map objects animation player Cutscene player Added openFormats for GXT files Added openFormats for WAD animation resources Max Payne 3 Added openFormats for GXT files Version 1.3.5 (with openFormats) Grand Theft Auto IV New feature "Find in IDE" for WDR, WDD, WFT fi...
Let's say we find the (game memory) address of the car generator pool in documentation somewhere. We jump to that address and find a little information that doesn't appear to be an actual cargen, but a few bytes to the right we recognize what is clearly the beginning of our first par...
Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for car generators with CCarGenerator_extended structure is applied! Format of new savefiles will be different: patch for save game of variable length is applied! Modified limit Car generators to: 2000 Is CCarGenerator_extended structure used: 1...