说明:1、支持Nvidia reflex的游戏相比控制面板低延迟超高延迟更低。2、G-sync+V-sync+低延迟模式超高会自动锁帧,例如144会限制到138,所以无需自己锁。3、优先控制面板V-sync,部分游戏控制面板V-sync无效,需开启游戏内垂直同步,例如英雄联盟 下面是对于Fastsync,Vsync和Gsync一些常识 1、Fastsync,V-sync和G-sync...
Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementation (hit or miss). For example, in CS2 both settings work and reduce input...
Re: Gsync off+ vsync on? Postbyjoseph_from_pilsen»27 Dec 2023, 14:15 Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementa...
For me it worked to use Vsync and (Gsync) Reflex ultra low latency + boost, and it also was fixed at the FPS desired. fantaskarsef, Sep 25, 2024 #3 CPC_RedDawn Ancient Guru Messages: 11,336 Likes Received: 4,287 GPU: PNY RTX4090 (UV) ramthegamer said: ↑ hello peop...
显卡2080应该可以稳定144没问题,就算不开 分享154 彩虹六号吧 GTDMINDMAP 我一直以为要关闭 GSync 降低输入延迟 直到刚才看到同时开 Gsync 和 vsync 的用法,试了一下眼睛太舒服了,也足够跟手 具体:开 GSync+VSync-快+ 低延迟模式-超高 另外显示器响应速度-极致(XN253QX) R6 被锁定 240帧,比之前啥都不...
Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementation (hit or miss). For example, in CS2 both settings work and reduce input...
Turn nvidia reflex on, and if its not enough, turn fast sync on (a kind of vsync setting). With fast sync there will be almost no input lag, with nvidia reflex only it depends on game support and implementation (hit or miss). For example, in CS2 both settings work and reduce input...
说明:1、支持Nvidia reflex的游戏相比控制面板低延迟超高延迟更低。2、G-sync+V-sync+低延迟模式超高会自动锁帧,例如144会限制到138,所以无需自己锁。3、优先控制面板V-sync,部分游戏控制面板V-sync无效,需开启游戏内垂直同步,例如英雄联盟 下面是对于Fastsync,Vsync和Gsync一些常识 1、Fastsync,V-sync和G-sync...