I read the gsync 101 article and saw that gsync with vsync capped at 60fps on a high refresh rate monitor (144hz in my case) can help lower input lag more than the standard 141fps cap. I understand how this works but here is my issue. I have a 144hz 1440p VA monitor that ...
feature like fast-sync. The games I tried (Portal 2, Bulletstorm, Counter-Strike Source) also don’t have NVIDIA reflex that caps framerate when vsync is active. The Framerate is instantly uncapped as soon as I go true fullscreen mode or set gsync to only ...
Notes: GSYNC/FreeSync compatible beam racing is nice (works in WinUAE) but not required for this BountySource award; can be a stretch goal later. Must support at least native refresh rate (e.g. 50Hz, 60Hz) but would be a bonus to also support multiple thereof (e.g. 100Hz or 120Hz)...
I've had my Acer Predator XB281HK for a few months now and one of the features is GSync. However I can't tell the difference between using VSync and GSync. As someone that's always used V-Sync for 60 FPS gaming, I cannot for the life of me see what all t
I have same issue where Gsync on and after reboot Vsync will go back on. Driver 368.39 0 MellowSF 9y 0 This is dumb. Please fix this. 0 Jmon 9y 0 Running 365.19 and I have this issue as well. Has this been fixed with current drivers? I have been afraid to install any...
are already designed to run off gametime (and automatically adapt to fluctuating frame rates as they already do 15 years ago), it's usually beautifully compatible with variable refresh rate: The stutters miraculously disappears, much like this animation demo: www.testufo.com/stutter#demo=gsync ...
但是VSYNC对于显卡性能要求是比较高的 比如你不开G-SYNC可能有60 开了可能就剩40多了 所以很多人宁肯画面撕裂也选择不开 后来有了VRR 也就是可变刷新同步 最早面试的是G-SYNC,后来有了AMD的FREESYNC 再到现在HDMI2.1内置了VRR 所以理论上只要完整支持HDMI2.1特性的设备 有没有G SYNC FREESYNC也就无所谓了 那么...
Set vsync to "fast" instead of just "on" make any difference ? I run a 2080 but dont use vsync , as have a 144hz gsync monitor Like 0 Reply 3 Replies Replies sorted by Oldest Fraggball to proxos6666 years ago Unfortunately that doesn't help, I tried ...
Graphics Card (GPU): AMD R9 390 Nitro Sapphire Memory: 16GB Operating System: Windows 10 64bit If you use vsync and are having issues like me, post in this thread so we can get the developers attention! Gsync also doesn't work. Game for now is unplayable. ...
GSYNC or VR really does perform better in fullscreen mode, then to force Vsync on. that just kills both types of VR all together. MS pull your heads out people! Posted on Feb 26th 2016, 23:08 1 to 25 of 91Go to Page1234PreviousNext Add your own comment ...