and instead of an FPS limit being applied to avoid V-SYNC-level input lag, Fast Sync is enabled on top of G-SYNC. In this scenario, G-SYNC is disabled 99% of the time, and Fast Sync, with very few excess frames to work with, not only has more input lag than G-SYNC would at ...
防撕裂技术方面,G24H3S经典版支持Free Sync,有效减少画面撕裂。护眼功能也没落下,G24H3S经典版通过软件调校,过滤掉波长在455nm以下的有害蓝光,减轻蓝光对双眼的危害。屏幕是DC调光,减轻画面闪烁现象,极大缓解视力疲劳,带硬件低蓝光。 响应速度上,这款显示器在快速档位下,平均GTG响应速度3.53ms,目前来说已经是非...
video processing was flawless. Both FreeSync and G-Sync operated perfectly. Overdrive eliminated nearly all motion blur when set to three. Higher settings produced visible ghosting which caused some smearing when action got intense. ELMB is also available as an alternative to Adaptive-Sync, but it...
Dell has announced two 27-inch gaming monitors with Nvidia G-Sync compatibility and fast refresh rates. The curved model is a 1080p VA display, whereas the 1440p model uses an IPS panel. Both will be released later in the summer.
2021/01/10: Option to sync to host refresh rate added (enabled by default). This will give the smoothest animation possible with zero duped frames, at the cost of running the game <1% faster. Users with variable refresh rate (GSync/FreeSync) displays will want to disable the option. ...
游戏界360HZ FAST TN 宇宙无敌电竞天花板 友达原装背光面板 1920*1080分辨率 400HZ刷新率 对比度1000:1 色域100srgb 10bit 响应时间 0.3ms HD - SANV骏泽电子(广州)有限公司显示器专卖店于20240313发布在抖音,已经收获了9329个喜欢,来抖音,记录
防撕裂:支持freesync/G- sync(兼容)技术,画面无延迟。 响应速度:这款面板的调校下响应速度 在3.5ms-4.3ms之间,还是非常优秀的。 这是可用的状态下。最高档位的OD可以在3.7ms,表现优秀的水平。 开启后可以有效的提高了运动清晰度。 在GTG 模式下可以到1MS ...