Golang library to help with WebSocket testing by providing Gorilla mocks, assertion scripting, assertion parallelism and timeouts. wsmock is itself thoroughly tested and prints meaningful errors.With wsmock, tests look like:func TestRockPaperScissors(t *testing.T) { // initialize with mocked Conns...
GET /chat HTTP/1.1 Host: Origin: ws:// Qi-WebSocket-Version: 0.0.1 Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Key: aGFjb2hlYW9rd2JtdmV5eA== 然后,服务端返回消息:(本例是:用swift编写的客户端接收) "Upgrade": "websocket", ...
gorilla/websocket[3]:Star:18.6k。a standards-compliant and widely used websocket library。 gorilla/sessions[4]:Star:2.5k。making cookies and session management easy。 gorilla/handlers[5]:Star:1.5k。a collection of useful middleware for Go HTTP applications。 尤其是 gorilla/mux 和 gorilla/websocket...
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept": "NO+pj7z0cvnNj//mlwRuAnCYqCE=" 这里值得注意的是Sec-WebSocket-Accept的计算方法: base64(sha1(sec-websocket-key + 258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11)) 如果这个Sec-WebSocket-Accept计算错误,浏览器会提示:Sec-WebSocket-Accept dismatch; 如果返回成功,Websocket就会回调on...
melody - WebSocket 服务框架 neffos - 一个快速且可扩展的 WebSocket 框架 fastws 即时通信 Centrifugo - 实时消息服务器,可以与任何语言编写的应用程序后端结合使用 goim - 支持集群的 im 及实时推送服务 Tinode - 即时消息服务器,通过 websocket/JSON 或 gRPC/TCP 等协议传输 WebRTC - WebRTC 实现 Berty -...
在HTTP1.X中,一个请求和回复对应在一个tcp连接上,在websocket握手结束后,该tcp链接升级为websocket协议。而在HTTP/2中,多个请求和回复会复用一个tcp链接,无法实现上述的过程。 对应在Go的代码上,以github.com/gorilla/websocket的WebSocket实现为例。其会在握手阶段将http.ResponseWriter断言为http.Hijacker接口并调用其...
Melody Melody 是一个 Go 语言的微型 WebSocket 框架,基于 github.com/gorilla/websocket 开发, utron utron 是一个 Go 语言轻量级的 MVC 框架,用于快速构建可伸缩以及可靠的数据库驱动的 Web 应用。 Lessgo Lessgo 是一款 Go 语言编写的简单、稳定、高效、灵活的 web 完全开发框架。它的项目组织形式经过精心设计,...
https://github.com/gorilla/websocket https://github.com/andybalholm/cascadia https://github.com/GoAdminGroup/go-admin https://github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter https://github.com/ns3777k/go-shodan https://github.com/itchyny/gojq https://github.com/fzipp/gofind https://github.com/h2non...
<!-- when clicked then a websocket event will be sent to the server, at this example we registered the 'chat' --> Send <!-- the messages will be shown here --> <!-- import the iris client-side library for browser from a CDN or locally. However, `neffos.(min.)js` is a ...
修复识别 websocket 协议可能失败 Browse files main v1.0.3 … v0.0.1 qtgolang committed May 25, 2024 1 parent 7acbcfb commit 9902d13 Showing 2 changed files with 9 additions and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified BuildLibrary/Library/windows/x32 Sunny.dll...