方法move_and_collidemove_and_slide返回值类型KinematicCollision2D :包含碰撞相关信息Vector2 :移动碰撞后的实际速度参数1rel_vec :Vector2 类型,表示实际速度,记住需要乘以 deltalinear_velocity :Vector2 类型,表示速度,不需要乘以 delta参数2✨ infinite_inertia : 3.1 版本新增参数,默认为 truefloor_normal : V...
Vector2 move_and_slide_with_snap(linear_velocity: Vector2, snap: Vector2, up_direction: Vector2 = Vector2( 0, 0 ), stop_on_slope: bool = false, max_slides: int = 4, floor_max_angle: float = 0.785398, infinite_inertia: bool = true)Moves the body while keeping it attached to slo...
var steering_vector := desired_velocity - velocity velocity += steering_vector * drag_factor position += velocity * delta rotation = velocity.angle() func _on_Timer_timeout() -> void: max_speed = normal_speed 到太空和遥远的群星!结束 如果您完成了所有四个练习,恭喜您!您击败了第一个项目,...
My Blender version does not apply the constraint modifier of the camera, even if you check "apply modifier" on export, but a simple "look_at(Vector3.ZERO,Vector3.UP)" in Godot does the trick. Be sure to check and enable "Include>Data>Camera" in the Blender gltf2 export settings.In ...
(wall_min_slide_angle > 0.0) && result_state.wall) { Vector3 horizontal_normal = wall_normal.slide(up_direction).normalized(); real_t motion_angle = Math::abs(Math::acos(-horizontal_normal.dot(motion_slide_up.normalized())); if (motion_angle < wall_min_slide_angle) { motion = up...
Support for OpenGL (Native / ANGLE) UI embedding on all platforms. Add a Configuration API that can be used on startup instead of supplying command line parameters. Sponsors & Acknowledgements Initial development sponsored bySmirk Software
onready var _windowSize := self.get_viewport_rect().size # 跟踪的目标 var targets := [] func _process(delta: float) -> void: if targets.size() <= 1: _camera.zoom = lerp(_camera.zoom, Vector2.ONE, 2.0 * delta) return
其中,参数 floor_max_angle 表示最大斜坡角度,低于该角度的斜坡都被认为是“可滑行”的地面,另外参数 floor_normal 表示地面的法线,可以结合 KinematicBody2D 的几个方法: is_on_floor() (在地面上), is_on_wall() (在墙壁上),以及 is_on_ceiling() (在天花板上)搭配使用。
An optional ANGLE-backed OpenGL rendering driver was added for macOS and Windows. Lots of improvements for the Particles system to give VFX artists more control. It's now possible to directly animate velocity over lifetime, inherit projectile velocity, and change the emission amount of particles....