PackedByteArrayto_byte_array() const🔗 Returns a copy of the data converted to aPackedByteArray, where each element have been encoded as 8 bytes. The size of the new array will be float64_array.size() * 8. There has been a grave grammatical error within this statement: where each el...
2-zero-size-for-sc-sized-arrays.patch spirv_reflect.c 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 thirdparty/README.md Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ Files extracted from upstream source: Some downstream changes have been made and are identifi...
因为场景文件以tscn为后缀的文本文件,因此依然可以使用外部工具打开。 打开之后可以看到TileMapLayer使用一个PackedByteArray数据保存图块信息。 不过,值得注意的是这其实是Godot4.3改版之后的数据,在此之前是使用PackedInt32Array保存图块数据的。如上图所示。 要想获得TileMapLayer中某个图块的属性,大多数时候需要提供...
Array:数组是对象序列,长度可变,索引从0开始 Dictionary:字典,关联式容器,其中包含了唯一的键对值的引用 Vector2/Size2:2D矢量类型 Rect2:2D矩形类型 Vector3:3D矢量类型 Matrix32:用做2D转换的3x2矩阵 Plane:标准化形式的3D平面 Quat:四元数 AABB/Box3:轴对齐包围盒(或可选的,3D盒) ...
Like visual scripting, but for 3D model generation (needs custom engine modules). Godot 3 Arrow - A tool to design game narratives with nodes. GATT - Godot Autotile Texture Templater - A tool for generating 2x2 and 3x3 autotile tilesets in whichever size and colour needed. Godello - A...
摘自Godot Engine文档 多分辨率 基本大小 A base size for the window can be specified in the Project Settings(项目设置) under Display → Window. 然而,它的作用并不完全明显; 引擎将不 尝试将显示器切换到此分辨率。 相反,将此设置视为“设计大小”,即您在编辑器中... ...
[host]=selfifnotEngine.editor_hint:varlist=__get_no_exists_method__()assert(list.size()==0,"host 没有实现 %s 方法!"%str(list))func_exit_tree():ObjectNodeMap.erase(host)func_get_configuration_warning():varlist=__get_no_exists_method__()iflist.size()>0:return"host 没有实现 %s ...
()func is_story_done():returnplayer_words.size()==prompts.size()func check_player_words_length():ifis_story_done():tell_story()else:prompt_player()func tell_story():DisplayText.text=story%player_words func prompt_player():DisplayText.text+="May I have"+prompts[player_words.size()]+"...
PackedStringArray warnings = Control::get_configuration_warnings(); if (shared->exp_ratio && shared->min <= 0) { warnings.push_back(RTR("If \"Exp Edit\" is enabled, \"Min Value\" must be greater than 0.")); } return warnings; } void Range::_value_changed(double p_valu...