for group in triggerGroups: if area_or_body.is_in_group(group): $Explode.explode() $Area2D.queue_free() return 大家可以自己尝试,效果图如下: 4. 随机地图 在游戏中随机生成地图是一个非常“巨大”、非常“深入”的话题,不过本篇中我要介绍的随机地图生成只是涉及到其中的一点点皮毛,对这个话题感兴趣...
Tilemaps: Fix crashes when painting a large area in a tilemap (GH-76548). Tilemaps: Fix TileMap draw preview when switching CanvasItem editor tool (GH-78467). Tilemaps: Fix TileSet set as local to scene (GH-78477). Tilemaps: Update indices after removing custom data layers (GH-784...
ball.apply_central_impulse(bulletForce * _bulletPosition.transform.x) self.get_parent().add_child(ball) 设置玩家是否为无限惯性力 func setInfiniteInertia(value : bool) -> void: _isInfInertia = value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 影响...
Mesh.get_aabb() is now exposed to scripting. PhysicalBone.apply_impulse() and PhysicalBone.apply_central_impulse() methods to push ragdolls around. ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack() now features an optional replace_files argument (defaulting to true), which controls whether the loaded resource ...
Jump to bottom Add PhysicsServer2/3D::space_step() to step physics simulation manually #76462 Open Daylily-Zeleen wants to merge 1 commit into godotengine:master base: master Choose a base branch Could not load branches Branch not found: {{ refName }} {{ refName }} ...
state.apply_torque_impulse(torque) # 扭矩冲量,无效! 可以简单地通过下面的代码重现这个 Bug : func_ready():_changeState(states.INIT)yield(self.get_tree().create_timer(3),'timeout')_changeState(states.ALIVE)func_integrate_forces(state):state.apply_central_impulse(force)state.apply_torque_impulse...
state.apply_torque_impulse(torque) # 省略代码…… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 不过这个 Bug 在 Godot 3.2 开发版本中已经得到了修复,关于开发版本的构建可以到这里下载: Unofficial Godot Engine builds ,关于这个 Bug 我也在官方 Github 上开了一个 issue ,传送门:
Mesh.get_aabb() is now exposed to scripting. PhysicalBone.apply_impulse() and PhysicalBone.apply_central_impulse() methods to push ragdolls around. ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack() now features an optional replace_files argument (defaulting to true), which controls whether the loaded resource ...
Fix spelling ofapply_torque_impulse()and deprecate the misspelled method. Gizmos are now properly hidden on scene load if the object they control is hidden. Remove spurious errors when using a PanoramaSky without textures. Show tooltips in the editor when physics object picking is disabled. ...
Bullet: Add shape data to Area overlap data (GH-42712). Bullet: Fix Continuous Collision Detection being wrongly enabled by default (GH-43801). Bullet: Ignore collision contact points with distance = 0 (GH-44726). Bullet: Fix shape index in multiple physics queries (GH-55533). Bullet: Kine...