humans were empowered to uphold God’s dominion over all of his lovely creation. Genesis tells us that the curses for sin were thorns, suffering, and death. Jesus took each of these curses upon Himself at the cross. Denying that the curses for sin had no effect on the creation over which...
For example, God reveals Himself as Father because His fatherhood is something like the human fatherhood that we are all familiar with. The problem with this approach of analogy is that we often get it backwards. Properly speaking it is human fatherhood that is like God’s fatherhood. Keeping ...
God reveals Himself as Creator of perfection, light, and beauty. Every reference in the Bible describes the condition of any completed phase of God’s creation as “very good” – perfect. This first verse of the Bible actually speaks of the original PHYSICAL creation in its entirety – the...
When he reveals himself even in small ways, it thrills me to no end. You are his little girl and hes got this. Hes got your whole walk. He loves you sooooo so much. My home was wiped out by a storm surge here in Florida and have been working 2 weeks straight. I saw your post...
Biblically, we think of these as Spiritual gifts, and they are given to Christians by God at the moment we first believe in Jesus Christ for eternal life. Some people are given only one; others are given multiple gifts. There is a debate among Christians about which gifts there are, how...
This reference from Genesis reveals the relationship between the cycles of the Sun and Moon, and the light which these two great lights shed upon the earth. The purpose of the Sun, like other stars, is to give light upon the earth, the nature of which is a three-fold light. First, it...
418. We should be more concerned about being 'Biblically Correct' than being 'Politically Correct'. 419. I smile because you are my Christian brother and I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it! 420. Decay starts when growth stops! 421. You have to do your own growing no...
That is all fine and good in the here and now where the biblically misinformed believe whatever makes them feel good, but it will not transport them into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in the next lifetime. Of equal importance, when a true believer in Christ Jesus marries one of ...
(hypostasis), three names." God ishyiopater, Son-Father. The different names Father, Son, and Spirit, merely describe different forms of revelation; the Son revealed the Father as a ray reveals the sun. Now the Son has returned to heaven, and God reveals himself as the Holy Spirit......
And this is cryptically a confession of Jesus’ deity by Jesus himself, saying, “You should not tempt the Lord your God, and since you are here tempting, or testing me, you are doing something that is quite diabolical which is your nature, namely: to suggest that I as the Lord God ...